Friday, June 27, 2014

End the "Meat-Is-Protein" Argument Today!

It's funny, but it's not funny. 

This is what America's government thinks of us. Since we show them we aren't thinkers, they can get away with foolishness like this plate. Then, Innocents, such as yourself, trust and believe what the government tells you - especially since you learned it in school, right? Well, you now live and breathe their lies that protein is a damn food group...that dairy is required.

Excuse my language, but I get pissed when I see this - why? Because I used to believe it - but for the grace of God I found my way into the light of truth. The truth that the meat and dairy industry is funding the government so they can aggressively promote animal products to you, the unassuming - all trusting consumer.

Let me say this and I'm done (for now): Meat, dairy and eggs my friends, are actually your sources of FAT. Some of you struggle to lose weight while consuming "lean" meats - not realizing it offers more fat than protein. And why are you on this protein kick any damn way? Who is behind this marketing to you? You have NO clue, do you? - you're just on this silly ass bandwagon running around saying "I need my protein" - stop! It's unbecoming. Talking about protein is like talking about oxygen - hey, how you are going to get your oxygen today? Just breathe, damn it! Who runs around thinking about oxygen? Not many of us - we simply breathe and the requirement is met. Likewise, just eat plants and your requirement will be met. Don't ever let me be in the room when I hear you mention protein or else I will descend upon you. lol! Seriously, I will.

Even if you are a meat-eater, can you join me in the anti-protein movement? Call meat what it is - stop saying protein - someone is behind this movement - MONEY ($$$) is behind this movement and you're all being pimped.

Yes, I said it P-I-M-P-E-D like the unresearched robots you are (it's true). . . If you eat meat, then call it by name - not protein. I could likely say, I'm going to have a protein salad. The Brainswashed among us would think I'm referring to meat - when I would actually mean a spinach-avocado-strawberry salad. Dummies. (I'm sorry, but this upsets me to the nth degree)

So what sense does it make to call meat protein? It doesn't make any sense at all. What it DOES do, however, is desensitize the blood-thirsty masses from what they are actually eating: a chicken, a pig, a cow, salmon - living, sentient, beings. So, how about we just "gloss" over it and call it protein. Yeah - that'll keep the dummies numb while we pimp 'em out and build upon our billions.

I can't be the only one awake here. I would that you would become vegan, but even if you don't, join me in stopping the protein-is meat movement - and meat & dairy are required movement. You sound silly and unlearned when you speak on this. If you want to still eat it, eat it but just KNOW: I'm eating chicken this is my source of FAT for the day or I'm enjoying this cup of yogurt - this is my source of FAT for breakfast or OMG, these eggs are delicious - I couldn't find a better tasting FAT in my breakfast taco - and milk? cow's milk? "Yes, c'mon my sweet innocent progeny, drink your fat this morning" Ha! don't be deceived by the 2% lies! I'm telling you - this joke is on us, actually you (I've found the light) - someone "up" there in FDA/Bureaucracy land is laughing all the way to the bank. I can hear them now: "Can you believe these minions are buying into our marketing?" lol!

Like I said, funny, but not so funny after all. 

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