Friday, November 4, 2016

To Start Raw or Not - That is the Question!

I hate when I get the urge to jump into a fully raw stint this close to Thanksgiving. Ugh! Not so sure why I think perfection is necessary. Nothing says I can't do raw until the holiday then jump right back in - or what if I have my meal early so I can start my journey. Sigh. I need to get this healing show on the road.

I have no intention at this time in my life to be fully raw for life, but I know it's necessary to undo the damage of four decades of unhealthy living. You couldn't find an unhealthier person. I raised my poor babies on processed junk. I ate processed garbage while I was pregnant with them. I remember days of popcorn and Mountain Dew in college. If ever in my adult life that I ate a vegetable, it was slathered in butter or cheese. I don't know how my body endured such abuse - then I wonder how I attracted abuse in my relationships - heck, I abused my own body. There I was 41 and 238lbs. I shudder to think where I would be now if God had not led me to the life I live now. It's now, however, I have to be patient with my healing journey. Understanding I ain't gon' reverse 4 decades of foolishness overnight - especially when I still include some processed foods in my diet. The last time I survived 105 days fully raw, I did it wrong. I stayed loaded with fats: avocado and nuts, especially. This time I know I have to eat less fat for a deeper cleanse.

My plan is to include a daily green juice for breakfast, a 64oz smoothie for lunch, and a fruit meal for dinner. If I can do this for at least 60 to 90 days, I'll be on my way.

To start or not to start before Thanksgiving - that is my dilemma. I could start. Stop. Then start my count again; I could wait until after Thanksgiving; I could have an early Thanksgiving; or I could skip Thanksgiving this year.



Eat to Love

Get healthy so that you can live a life to bless others. If you think about it - when we're sick - ALL of our attention is on Self. . . it's as if being sick is a form of selfishness. When I have had an asthma attack, you best believe I ain't thinking about nothing but my next breath. When you're having an anxiety attack, not even a drowning baby could bring you out of it - anxiety attacks force you to be consumed with you. Migraines shut you off from the world to thrust you into total darkness - just who? You and the darkness. There's no taking care of anyone when Pain knocks. Think about those painful menstrual cycles. Who can you take care of when cramps clamp down with vice grips? No one. When you're suffering from painful stomach aches - IBS, Crohn's & Ulcerative colitis - getting relief is all you can think about. Sickness steals our focus from spending time with those we love.
Am I preaching to myself? Listen: We don't have the stamina. . . the, the, the wherewithal, if you will, to think about ANYONE else when we are not well. All thoughts point to Me, Myself, and I.
Y'all know I'm telling the truth. To those who have ears to hear, let them hear.
Living healthy is living unselfishly. Living healthy catapults our LOVE to a new level. I don't know about you, but my goal is to live to love. By living, I mean living well. By well, I mean healthy. By healthy, I mean eating plants. By eating plants, I mean eating more raw than cooked.
Since eating plants puts me in the best position to love, I therefore can conclude: Eating plants means I'm eating not only to live, my beautiful friends, but I'm eating to love.
Come with me.
Live unselfishly.
Eat to love.
Plants, y'all. More raw than cooked.
Love y'all!