Saturday, July 30, 2016

Death by 334mg of Cholesterol!

Why are you doing this to your beautiful body? Why do you choose to love yourself this way? How do you tell me you love me yet you abuse your own body? Are you awake? Are you walking about numb to the truth? Check this out:

America's number one killer is heart disease. Let me show you how abusive your breakfast is:
1. 1 slice of bacon - 9mg cholesterol (we all know you have more than one slice).
2. 1 egg - 187 mg cholesterol (who eats only 1 egg? Most people usually scramble 2 eggs - that's a heart stopping 374mg of cholesterol - and you wonder why your blood pressure is high).
3. 1 slice of cheese - 29 mg - a lot of you add cheese to your eggs - everything is better with cheese, right?
4. 1 measly TB of butter is 31mg of cholesterol. One pat of butter packing 31mg of cholesterol. How much butter are you using every day? Only 1 TB? You add butter to EVERYTHING!!! How can you think your heart is in good shape with this perpetual abuse?
5. 1c milk - 24mg of cholesterol (You are using more than 8oz of milk a day to wash down the cholesterol you already ate - and sadly you're giving this pus-filled liquid to your precious children - poor babies - they don't even stand a chance by the time they are 18 - arteries already showing signs of heart disease).
6. Sausage anyone? 100g of sausage offers 54mg of cholesterol. 100g is equivalent to 3.5oz. When you think of ounces think in terms you know - cups. One cup is 8oz - so, half of a small 8oz cup is 4oz. . . your 1 sausage - that fits in a space less than 1/2 a cup - dumps 54mg of cholesterol into your arteries. And you and I both know you eat more than one tiny piece of sausage.
Let's get a total here for your nutritious breakfast - a breakfast that you probably prayed over: "God let this food nourish our bodies for Christ's sake - Amen." Really? God, let this cholesterol assault nourish my body? Like I asked before: Are you even awake? What sense does your prayer make? I understand a prayer of thanks, but a prayer to ask God to nourish your body with this sludge? C'mon! You must be asleep. Then, when you or your Mom or spouse dies from a heart attack you have the nerve to shift blame to a God who could be so cruel as to snatch your loved one away too soon. Really? So, death by cholesterol was God's fault?

Let me wrap this up:
334mg is the magic number for your "healthy" fiberless breakfast.
Since it all has no fiber by the way, it's going to sit inside your colon wreaking havoc on your immune system. Nothing nourishing is coming from it - only destruction comes from such a heart-clogging meal. Keep in mind the 334 total only includes 1 egg, 1 slice of bacon, 1 pat of butter, 1 slice of cheese, 8oz of milk, and 1 sausage. No one uses just one - we both know this. So, your tally is much higher than this number.
As I close, let me give you more information about this 334. Your government - the same government that forces animal products on you everywhere you turn - this government suggests your daily intake of cholesterol should be no more than 300mg (see comments). Mind you - this 300mg/day will still lead to your death. But follow me for a second. If this "caring" government thinks 300mg is sufficient for the day, and you just SLAUGHTERED that number with one breakfast meal of one slice of this and one slice of that (yeah right), imagine what your TRUE cholesterol totals are for the day. *Shocking!*
This total doesn't include the turkey sandwich you will have for lunch or the yogurt you will eat for a snack. This death tally doesn't include the steak you will have for dinner with the buttered mashed potatoes and cheesy broccoli.
Are you still with me? If you are, I am begging you to wake the hell up! How long do you think you can dodge a heart attack or a stroke while you are fueling your temple with this egregious consumption of animal flesh? Choose a diet of compassion instead.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood - and I took the road less traveled by: Plants. I choose to eat plants - more raw than cooked.
Love begins with yourself before it can spread to anyone else. You can't tell me you love me, your children, or yourself if you're enacting death by food suicide everyday.

To those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

From me to you! Love y'all,


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