Sunday, November 2, 2014

Tell Fat People the Truth!

Tell fat people they are fat. Society is so backwards...we don't say ONE word to an obese person...yet we all recognize that this person is at least 100lbs overweight. What do we do instead? Well, if the person loses the weight, we THEN suddenly become outspoken: "Don't get too small." "Don't lose anymore weight." "You look good." Really? Are these comments authentic? Why the boldness of stating how you feel about my weight loss now? Why did you opt to say NOTHING 70lbs earlier? I'm about truth telling. I'm a fat woman in transition to a healthier version by summer 2015...and I feel other fat people need to be shaken up...especially those 40+ who are in danger of cutting their lives short. You just don't see vibrant, agile, obese 60 year olds. You just don't. Gently let those you love know they need to lose weight. If you're fat, and you're reading this message, take the truth from need to get healthy. Period. This isn't about being vegan, this is about making a plan to lose the weight by any healthy means necessary. Funny thing is not even my family opened their mouths to say: "Girl, you done let yo'self go." Tough to hear? Yes. But someone should have said something. I didn't REALIZE how fat I was until I lost weight then looked back at me and was like D*mn!!!
I was that big and no one said anything? So, like me, you may be comfortable with your weight...loving the "curves"...well, keep loving yourself as this is great, but hiding behind the weight isn't real love. Step on the scale. What does THAT feedback tell you? How far away from your high school weight are you? I hear a lot of women say "I don't want to be that small again." Really? Or is it the work to get back there you're afraid of? I'm going back to my high school weight and one size below that...yep! I ain't scared and I'm willing to do the work to get there. If you're too afraid of the scale, what about your waistline? Dress size? 18? 20? 24? C'mon...tell the truth and shame the devil. Does is keep creeping up each year? 200lbs? 225lbs? 266lbs? What. Are. You. Doing??? Where is this obese road going to lead you? Let today be the day you make a change. Commit to walking 2 miles everyday. 1 mile before work and 1 mile after work (or 2 miles together). Start there. Start today. Commit to this every day for 1 year (don't worry about other fancy workouts)...if you quit, you're cheating only a woman of your word...especially to yourself. Also, quit playing with sugar and processed foods...just stop it. Yes, you're addicted. No, there is no d*mn moderation and you know it. Treat sugar like the plague while you're fighting for true health. Increase more fruits and vegetables. Drink at least 64 oz of less...that's a good start. And warning: Be prepared to tackle this journey alone...sometimes others are unsupportive and uncomfortable when you begin to change, so if you need weight loss support or healthy eating support, there are a plethora of strangers in FB groups who will quickly become answers to your supportive desires. Clean out the fridge and the pantry. No sugary drinks. Replace sugar with stevia. This might sound vegan-ish but the truth is animal products are fattening. That's not my opinion that's truth. You cannot strive for health and hold on to butter, sour cream, cheese, can't. Even if you consider yourself an "omnivore" read the label on your meat!!! My sister Lori did and she was shocked!!! She threw that frozen chicken with 56% cholesterol on her floor then tossed it in the trash never to touch meat again (of course we lost our mother to a heart attack so that's more motivation for us not to eat artery clogging foods). Have you seen her weight loss before and after? I'll post it below. Look, Friends, don't wait any longer. If you are no where NEAR your high school size, I'm telling you now: You Are Fat. Sounds harsh but someone has to say it...your spouse loves you "the way you are" yes, but just wait until they reap the benefits of the new you. No more fatigue. No more saying "no"...blow the dust off some sexual positions you aint done in a while because of the weight...c'mon! Can we be real here? There are no children on my page *wink*. Grownfolks conversation.
I love you and I want you operating at optimal! Looking at reunion pics I see so many have blown up! We all see it...Just no one says anything. That's seems to be the norm: Graduate from high school and college and gain weight. Hell, I did. Gained 80lbs with my 1st born...stayed fat for 20 years y'all. Well, I guarantee you I won't be fat for the next 20. Who's with me?
One healthy choice at a time. Don't wait until January to resolve this issue...start today. And holidays-schmolidays...psh...Enjoy your Thanksgiving and Christmas feast...but today aint Thanksgiving or Christmas. ..quit playing. Do the work. Get down to size 14/16...then 12...then keep going...but let 14/16 be your 1st goal. Start today.
Love y'all.

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