Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What's Holding You Back from a Plant-based Diet?

I've been promoting the benefits of a plant-based diet for over a year now - I'd love to hear if any pill pushers among us or any one overweight has tried it. I'm curious: If you know success awaits you with a diet based on all the whole foods you can eat (cooked and raw) why are you lingering on the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) side of life? Why are you so attached to your pills? Have you associated who you are with your disease? Does this comfort you? Tell me you haven't made peace with your illness and accepted it as your norm? Tell me you haven't thrown in the towel and given up the fight? What is holding you back from wellness? What's stopping you from beginning? or beginning again? Are you fearful that a plant-based diet might actually free you from the chains of nutritional darkness? Free you from the enslavement of a life shackled to pills?

You are reading these posts; I know you are. Now, I'm waiting to hear your success story - you've heard mine and you're also continuing to watch it unfold as I have many miles to go before I sleep.

There's no glory in disease.
There's no glory in popping pills.
There's no glory in low libido (Booo to all those who don't have "the energy" - shame on you for what you're doing to your lover).
There's no glory in body odor - no glory in degenerating as we age - there simply is no glory in any of this.

If you haven't already, plan to make tomorrow the day you saturate your meals with whole foods (and your children too - take them off all that processed food and let them eat fruit! - what the hell is a fruit roll-up anyway? a rice crispie? sugary cereal? fruit cups? - foolishness! Give them fruit - let them eat fruit!).

And you? Start your day with a green smoothie. Enjoy a hearty baked potato (or sweet potato) and big green salad for lunch (if you cover it in ranch, you might as well eat a burger - if you add egg to it, you've negated the purpose - no cheese - no animal products at all - not if you want to be well - you've got to avoid processed items as well). How about a tasty bean soup for dinner? or burritos and rice w/steamed broccoli? Oh, the meals are endless.

A plant-based diet holds most of the answers to your healing and weightloss.

Why are you so resistant to becoming a stronger, better, healthier you? (with no silly-ass diets required - can't eat an apple? psh! what sense does that make? But you can eat meat? And all meat is FAT? Oooo - Don't touch a potato it has "Carbs!" - lol - but you can eat chicken! Wake up, lovelies, if you're eating meat, that IS your FAT source. . . poor carbs take all the heat - when it's actually the nasty dairy you're using to smother them).


Decisions. Decisions.

Stay fat? Keep popping pills? Keep telling your lover "No"? - ugh!

Come on, People! Wake up.

Love y'all - and you know I do!

Eat plants. More raw than cooked.

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