Monday, June 9, 2014

Sickness is Good Business, Y'all!

Follow the money trail. Think with me. What if everyone became healthy? What businesses would be affected? Sickness is good business people. Keeping the masses doped up on prescriptions is good business. If the body's fever is a weapon to fight intruders, why kill the fever and not the cause of the fever? If the body fights invaders, why the antibiotics? Why not target the cause of the infection? It's not good business to heal people. It isn't. Break an arm? We need doctors. I get that. Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Acid reflux? arthritis? migraines? high cholesterol? Going to the doctor? I don't get that.
What irritates me to my core is that YOU are INTELLIGENT, yet, you walk about in darkness as if you have no logic.
In December, I was going through a bad healing crisis - serious detox. . . coughing, mucus . . . just bad. Went to the doctor - first of all, he was old and fat. That raised my concerned. I expect a doctor of any age to be in shape. Do y'all know what he prescribed? MUCINEX!!!! He lost ALL credibility with me at that moment. Mucinex stops the flow of mucus. Well, to the unlearned, the unresearched, the blind - this seems normal. But, I was in the light at this time - thankfully. I had enough sense and had done enough research to know that whatever the hell was in my body needed to come out. I further knew that the body creates mucus to eliminate toxins - why in the hell would I want Mucinex to stop my mucus??? Are y'all listening to me? It's good business for the doctor because he never addressed WHY my mucus was overflowing - he just ignorantly focused on the symptoms.
I'm thinking, Dude, don't you understand how this works? Don't you understand that I want the mucus to flow to eliminate my toxins? If the mucus stops, the toxins remain in me. C'mon, people, wake up!
Taking Mucinex is like taking Immodium AD. Why in the hell would you take Immodium AD? To die? Don't you know your body is trying to eliminate toxins out of your ASS - literally, and in your stupidity, your ignorance, you stop it? You cut it off? If your body thinks elimination is serious and forceful enough to create diarrhea, why would you oppose this? There must be a serious offender in you like e coli that needs to get out and get out fast and you stop that process? Don't you know you can die? People, people. I'm peeved with you. I'm peeved that you aren't using common sense.
People harass vegans and say: If you're stuck on a deserted island with a chicken and you get hungry what would you eat? That's the easiest question ever, dumbasses . . . We'd find out what the hell the chicken is eating and eat that. Stop it! I'm digressing here, but my point is, you don't THINK!!!!!
I'm upset with you because you blindly eat with no thought. You're popping pills with no thought. You're accepting cancer like it is normal. What are you doing? Are you even awake here on this planet? You're feeding your babies animal by-products and making them sick - maybe not now but in the long run. Poor babies suffering from asthma and allergies and all they have is you to depend on. Instead of removing all dairy from their diet, you give them medicine. Poor babies. Lost.
You've also bought into the protein myth. Proteins are needed to usher in amino acids - Sweetheart, fruits serve you amino acids on a platter. VIP service. All those proteins you're eating? Ask your kidneys how they are doing? Have you done any research yourself? All you bacon lauders? You sound ignorant because you're praising something that harms your body. It isn't impressive - it just shows me you're unlearned and unresearched and it's annoying that you won't take heed to wisdom when it's presented to you.
I think of those of you who have parents in their 70s. . . Do you know if they are eating the standard American diet, their life expectancy is 76years? And if they live past that, is it in good health? Are you going to have parents in the nursing home? What quality of life is that? It's time for you to get your head out of the sand and begin to think about your life and theirs and apply common sense to your nutrition and health.
And while I'm ranting, stop drinking milk from a cow this moment. I mean it. This has nothing to do with vegan or non vegan - what sense does drinking milk from a cow make? It only makes sense to the unlearned and the unresearched - the ignorant among us. No adult animal on this planet drinks milk - except humans (dumbasses) and then we have the nerve to drink milk from another species - that's the dumbest - I mean DUMBEST thing ever! Why? for calcium? Do your research, ignorant one. I don't mean to be condescending, but your blindness offends me especially when light shines all around you.
Oh addicts, what is cheese? Do you even know? How is it made? Do you even know? What is sour cream? yogurt? eggs? It's time for you to act like the adult you are and take your health and nutrition into your own hands because someone is waiting in the corridors to make a profit from your stupidity.

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