Friday, June 17, 2016

My Mother Died So Yours Can Live

Oh my gosh! Why is Lisa always posting pictures of her smoothies and her salads? Why does she OVERshare about her healthy eating? Why does she care what in the h*ll we eat?
Good questions. I'm glad you asked. The simple answer is: Because my mother is DEAD - that's why.
Yes, death comes to us all, but there are some deaths that can be avoided - like HEART DISEASE AND TYPE 2 DIABETES - both of which she had. At the time of her death, her arteries were 90% clogged and she was shooting up on insulin. We didn't know it, but she was "dead man" walking. We were all living in the dark back then. I had NO clue that a plantbased diet (no oil) could have prevented her from dying of a heart attack. Eating plants prevents and reverses heart disease. Facts!
So, Lisa overshares, unapologetically, so YOUR MOTHER, can live. So you don't get a phone call one hot June day (2001) that your mother is dead.
No one's Mom should die as a result of Diabetes type 2 complications, a stroke, or heart disease.
Why do I overshare? So that perhaps you will get your head out of the sand, pretending what you eat has NO CONSEQUENCE on the state of your health and open your eyes to be inspired by my oversharing food ideas. My mission is to raise awareness so that YOUR Mom, Dad - you and your spouse (and the kiddos) can live a vibrant life.
I know - unfortunately accidents happen - tragedies descend and people die. Heck, none of us is getting out of here alive anyway. My goal is to remind you that while we are here, we can easily INCREASE the quality of our lives by adapting a plantbased diet (this has nothing to do with being vegan by the way. Veganism is a lifestyle; unless you care about dedicating your life to being a voice for the animals, then a diet is the closest you'll ever come - but for a FIRST step, that's terrific.)
There is science to prove it Friends: Eating animals and their by-products causes our body to send out lethal cholesterol to protect our arteries. EVERY SINGLE TIME You eat something - anything- that comes from an animal, your body shoots out this "protection."
We're a gluttonous society so this "cholesterol injection" happens for breakfast (sausage and bacon and eggs and butter and milk) for lunch (turkey sandwich and yogurt) and dinner (chicken, steak, cheese enchiladas, broccoli smothered in cheese, potatoes drowned in sour cream). Here's the bad news: When does this cholesterol assault begin for us? About 6 months old (or younger if your parents chose formula (cow's milk) over breastfeeding). Isn't it cute (NOT) how Gerber offers CHICKEN in a jar for babies? Reel 'em in early. Tragic. (Research shows children at the age of 10 already have beginning stages of heart disease). What's worse is since animals and their by-products have no fiber, they remain in your body for days - causing major damage. They also have OXIDANTS - free radicals that wreak havoc as well. Without the fighting power of ANTIOXIDANTS (raw plant foods), you're a sitting duck for cancer. Yet, you continue to go to McDonalds, and Chick-fil-A, etc. . . death by food suicide. Sad.
To this end, I will continue to share and overshare in honor of my mother. Hopefully, I don't hear any bad news about you and your family. If Mom (or another relative) does die of a heart attack or stroke, and I know YOU have had access to this life-saving knowledge, I won't say a word - I'll offer my condolences - but you know and I know that I really would have preferred that it didn't have to end that way.
If you can't eliminate animals products outright all at once - DECREASE, DECREASE, DECREASE (Oh, and dairy does more harm than actual animal flesh so says science).
In honor of my Mother Irma Edwards - Gone Too Soon. Her birthday is this Sunday, June 19th - She was ripped away from us for the lack of knowledge on June 25, 2001. Heart Attack. Unnecessarily.
Every plantbased meal you choose for you and your family helps me know my sharing isn't in vain. Each one. Save one.
Eat plants y'all - more raw (antioxidants) than cooked.
I love y'all!

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