Friday, June 20, 2014

Green Revolution, Y'all!

All nutrition on this planet starts with greens.

Greens "is" life! March of 2013 I started to eat greens. Greens for breakfast. Greens for lunch. Greens for dinner - I mean BIG bowls - I would start eating breakfast at 6:30AM because it took an hour to sit and chomp on raw greens. But I did it. No dressings - nothing. To my surprise, my weight began to plummet. 238 became 235 then 233 and 228 and 220 and 215 - I couldn't believe it. To this day, none of THAT weight lost by greens has come back. Ever. As you know, I'm a high-raw vegan (recently finished a 16day fully raw stint - to resume again after my greens feast). However, my weight loss has never been as successful as it was while dining on greens. Not only that, but during my all-greens stage my anxiety disorder disappeared; my anemia faded; the quality of my sleep increased - I gained overall health while the greens were shredding my waistline.

I'm not sure where you are on your journey to wellness - and surely, there is no ONE road to health - many paths can take you there. However, if you've never tried a greens-based diet - and by "diet" I mean your lifestyle - not a temporary fix . . . I want to encourage you today to do so. Juice your greens, put greens in your smoothies, put a batch in the slow cooker, steam your greens, eat a BIG bowl of raw greens - free from hideous fats and processed oil products (if you must have a dressing - make it yourself or else you will negate the benefits greens bring by smothering them in FAT - to include cheese, mayo, ranch, eggs, processed oils - yuck!).

For the life of me I have not been able to break through my 70lbs down plateau. . . In the last 90 days I've done a 20 day juice fast, I've done 16days fully raw - and of course, my normal life is high-raw - and when I cook, I avoid cooking with oils or fats. . . yes, my guilty pleasure is chips - so I know that's a stumbling block, but geez, I'm stuck in a range that I'm ready to release.

The answer? Well, it's simple: I'm going to go back to the basics of what worked for me when I started this journey - increase my health and release this weight by feasting on greens. I'm so ready to finish shedding these final pounds, so GREENS it will be. As of yet, I'm not sure whether or not I will do fully raw as that's a lot of oxalates to process, but. . .  if I make mean-green smoothies, I probably will do fully raw. We'll see.

Fully raw or not, I know one thing for sure: it's time to return to the plan that has brought me astounding success.

Greens. More raw than cooked.

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