Sunday, February 9, 2014

4 Easy Ways to Transition to a High Raw Diet

Eating fully raw is the optimal diet - we all know this; however, not everyone can live on such an elitist diet. Most of us know that raw fruits and veggies are healthy for us, but many struggle to actually put an apple where their mouth is.

If you are considering incorporating more raw foods into your meal plans, here are four easy ways to make that transition:

#1 Breakfast
Everybody is talking about smoothies these days, so I'm sure you're not a stranger to the notion of blending your favorite leafy green with a banana and a few pieces of frozen fruit to start your day.

#2 Lunch
Yes, you can still have your peanut butter and jelly sandwich during this transition, however, instead of that accompanying bag of chips or a couple of cookies, instead, enjoy a few pieces of fresh fruit! How easy is that!

#3 Supper
Salad: Pile a boatload of raw greens and other vegetables in a big bowl topped with homemade oil-free dressing to enjoy before you feast on your normal meal.

#4 Snacks
Let's say you eat breakfast at 8AM,  lunch at 12PM, then dinner at 6PM - How about snacking on a sun-kissed piece of fruit or a vegetable of your choice at 10AM, 2PM, and 4PM? As I like to say: "Hashtag Winning" lol!

Before you know it, you will realize that it's easy to replace entire meals with raw plants.

I hope you have a smooth-ie transition into a high raw lifestyle!

You CAN do this!

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