Monday, January 26, 2015

You're Too Intelligent to Eat Pink!

You've got your heels dug in so deep against being labeled "vegan" that you're willing to overlook common sense.

For example, you're intelligent. I know you are (or else you wouldn't be on my page - smile emoticon ) Yet, you buy pink meat at the store knowing good and well that animal has BEEN dead - so why in the world is it still pink in that nicely wrapped cellophane package? You don't think about that do you. Blindly as you can be you just parade up to the meat section and look at all the nice and pink and "fresh" meat. . . checking the date to make sure you have the "freshest" selection. Come here. . . *whispers*: Wake up.

See, let's not make this about being "vegan" (for now, anyways) - let me make a logos appeal - reaching for your sense of reason. . . Unless you are slaughtering the animal yourself (God forbid - and another discussion), why have you bought into the idea that the meat you're purchasing is "fresh"?

Research says if meat is UNTREATED (hormones and chemicals,people), it ROTS within HOURS!
But why am I telling you this? You are smart!!! You already know this. So, why are you intentionally feeding chemicals and hormones to your family? And in case you're asking: Are there contaminants in plants? Yes, however, they aren't treated with and exposed to the same number as animals are, nor do they store the toxic substances in the same way. The FDA estimates there are about 500-600 different unnatural chemicals in meat.
(Esselstyn, 2012).

Think about this:

A day in the Life of a farm animal: Bombarded with food containing pesticides, take drugs to make them grow faster and keep them "healthy", and they drink water that has been contaminated with fertilizer and heavy metals (not to mention the stress hormones released from the emotional trauma of living a nightmare while awaiting slaughter).

And guess what? All of this "magic" is stored in their fat deposits (which plants do not have) where it accumulates until meat eaters unknowingly consume it (but you've just read this post so you are now KNOWINGLY consuming it).

What do I want from you? I want you to wake up. I understand walking away from eating dead animals can be a process for some - it was for me. I tried and failed for about three months - then finally, Boom! The compassion I gained for them and the knowledge I learned about eating them was just too overwhelming. Not to mention there is NO standing researched based argument against veganism. None.

When I was walking blindly, I wish I could have had someone like me waving a flag of surrender to the masses. I didn't have me to shine the light into my darkness - but you do - you have me - and I'm waving my arms off for you to wake up.

I love you and I don't like that you're being duped. You're too intelligent to be fooled into buying an animal's decaying body. Hours, folks - that's how long a dead animal is "good" before it goes bad if left untreated. Let that sink in.

Just start there. Start waking up little by little and making sense of what the hell you're putting into that precious magnificently designed body of yours. And later, you can choose the lifestyle that comes with being "vegan" - compassion for animals, but for now, you can't argue that the meat you're eating isn't injected with CHEMICALS (are you good with that?) Chemicals to keep it fresh. Chemicals that expose you to cancer. Plants don't do that. They don't have the fat cells to store the toxins like animals do.

I love you enough to let you make your own choice, but if I have anything to do with it, you will make an informed choice. You'll no longer eat dead animals without willingly accepting the chemicals they inject to keep it pink and pretty for your purchase.

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