I am always thankful, however, I no longer say grace before a meal. Can
you believe before I transitioned to a whole-foods-plant-based diet, I
would bow my head in prayer over a piece of fried chicken and say: "Lord
I thank you for the food which I am about to receive for the
nourishment of my body for Christ's sake. Amen."
Absolute Tom-Foolery!!!
Oh, I said it before I ate Hamburger Helper (ha!), shrimp, macaroni-n-
cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, buttery corn, and three cheese pizza. . . before I ate my Big Mac, or my chili-cheese fries, or my meatball sub. . . oh yes, I said it.
Now, don't get me wrong: I do believe there is a God. And I believe He
loves me. However, I think He has to think it is slap-your-knee
hilarious for us to ask Him to bless a Shipley's donut - or to even
present to Him a corndog that I assumed was providing me nourishment.
(Shaking My D*MN HEAD!)
To say the absolute LEAST: I. Am. Embarrassed - I'm embarrassed that I
was walking so deeply in darkness that I never questioned saying grace.
Momma said to say it, so I said it. Bowing over a plate of pigs feet,
and chitlings, BBQ ribs, sausages or bologna "sammiches". . . yep, I
said it.
But that's not why I'm writing this post. I'm writing it,
because I suspect YOU'RE still saying grace over the foolishness you're
calling nourishment - over the foolishness you're serving your family
[Aside: I don't use words to BLESS my body; I use action - heck,
eating a bowl of raw greens with avocado dressing IS nourishment for my
body - why pray for that? My lifestyle is my prayer. You better wake
I'm gon' bet all I have that you said grace today over some
processed food, didn't you? Over a dead animal didn't you? Thanking God
for the slaughter - Yes!!! Let's all line up to do that.
don't take this message the wrong way: I'm not judging you - I'm NUDGING
you. Nudging you to THINK about what you're doing. You're actually
praying over carcasses and things, yes, THINGS you bought in bags or
boxes . . . What are you doing? Not thinking. That's what you're doing.
Just doing what the elders taught you - not questioning "nothing."
(Probably still drinking cow's milk too, but that's another post).
Insulting YOUR God's intelligence - that's what you're really doing.
All I ask is you consider that my words could possibly be true. Just maybe.
Love y'all,
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