Tuesday, January 27, 2015

From the Depths of Disappoinment *Fully Raw*

Summer of 2012 - The girls and I embarked on our first juice fast. I think we lasted nine days.

February 2013 - We ate bowls and bowls of raw greens - straight - no chaser (that's when I dropped 30lbs in 40 days). We would last about a week before we binged at Pappadeaux, Subway or WhatEVERburger. Then we'd go right back to all greens.

Summer 2013 - I attempted fully raw for 10 days - but it wasn't a true fully raw because I proudly boasted I was fully raw plus chips - found it funny, actually. Oh, the struggle.

Spring 2014 - I completed a 20 day juice fast. The goal was 100 days but my detox symptoms overwhelmed me and I tapped out (check out my youtube videos; I was cute - lol!)

*Intermittently: Too many 3 day fasts to count*

1. Each time I quit, I regretted it. As soon as I ate something off the fast - whether it was a juice fast or a raw foods fast, I had the feeling that I could have kept going.

2. My body needs at least 30 days of raw foods for a basic healing. I choose not to battle with asthma as a runner, so I'm using raw foods as my first line of defense. Goal 60 days.

3. Keep it simply raw. Don't over complicate it. If I don't have time to make a smoothie, grab a few bananas. A salad can be a few cucumbers with avocado dressing.

4. Keep guzzling. Dehydration is at the seat of most diseases - especially those plagued with mucus. One gallon a day or bust.

5. Exercise really does take a back seat to diet. As much as I've run and busted my butt in the gym, without pairing that work with a disciplined diet, all my efforts are in vain. I am now the smallest I have been on this journey I started in 2013, and I owe it all to my commitment to raw foods - no cheating.

When the sun sets this evening, if I shall I rise tomorrow, I will be in unconquered territory. I have never made it to 21 days without "cheating" on any fast I've attempted. I could view all those previous attempts as failures, but I won't. They really were lessons. The Lisa before you today is the Lisa built by said "failures." I am the compilation of all the disappointments each binge brought. I am her, yet I am stronger. I am the fat girl who decided she no longer wanted to live a life of disease and misery so she committed to DO THE RESEARCH: I read Eat to Live, My Beef with Meat, Whole, The China Study, The Starch Solution, Eat and Run; I lived on the words of Dr. Furhman, Dr. Esselstyn, Rip Esselstyn, Dr. McDougall, Dr. Colin T. Campell, Rich Roll; I watched video, after video, after informational video (check out nutritionfacts.org with Dr. McGreger).

Today, I am she who has risen from depths of disappointment to take this wellness journey by the horns and blaze a new path. I'll leave you with the words of beloved poet Eve Merriam, "Of all my atom parts, I am the sum. And out of my blood and my brain, I make my interior weather, my own sun and rain. Imprint my mark upon the world. Whatever I shall become."

Fully Raw. Day 20.

Love y'all,

Monday, January 26, 2015

You're Too Intelligent to Eat Pink!

You've got your heels dug in so deep against being labeled "vegan" that you're willing to overlook common sense.

For example, you're intelligent. I know you are (or else you wouldn't be on my page - smile emoticon ) Yet, you buy pink meat at the store knowing good and well that animal has BEEN dead - so why in the world is it still pink in that nicely wrapped cellophane package? You don't think about that do you. Blindly as you can be you just parade up to the meat section and look at all the nice and pink and "fresh" meat. . . checking the date to make sure you have the "freshest" selection. Come here. . . *whispers*: Wake up.

See, let's not make this about being "vegan" (for now, anyways) - let me make a logos appeal - reaching for your sense of reason. . . Unless you are slaughtering the animal yourself (God forbid - and another discussion), why have you bought into the idea that the meat you're purchasing is "fresh"?

Research says if meat is UNTREATED (hormones and chemicals,people), it ROTS within HOURS!
But why am I telling you this? You are smart!!! You already know this. So, why are you intentionally feeding chemicals and hormones to your family? And in case you're asking: Are there contaminants in plants? Yes, however, they aren't treated with and exposed to the same number as animals are, nor do they store the toxic substances in the same way. The FDA estimates there are about 500-600 different unnatural chemicals in meat.
(Esselstyn, 2012).

Think about this:

A day in the Life of a farm animal: Bombarded with food containing pesticides, take drugs to make them grow faster and keep them "healthy", and they drink water that has been contaminated with fertilizer and heavy metals (not to mention the stress hormones released from the emotional trauma of living a nightmare while awaiting slaughter).

And guess what? All of this "magic" is stored in their fat deposits (which plants do not have) where it accumulates until meat eaters unknowingly consume it (but you've just read this post so you are now KNOWINGLY consuming it).

What do I want from you? I want you to wake up. I understand walking away from eating dead animals can be a process for some - it was for me. I tried and failed for about three months - then finally, Boom! The compassion I gained for them and the knowledge I learned about eating them was just too overwhelming. Not to mention there is NO standing researched based argument against veganism. None.

When I was walking blindly, I wish I could have had someone like me waving a flag of surrender to the masses. I didn't have me to shine the light into my darkness - but you do - you have me - and I'm waving my arms off for you to wake up.

I love you and I don't like that you're being duped. You're too intelligent to be fooled into buying an animal's decaying body. Hours, folks - that's how long a dead animal is "good" before it goes bad if left untreated. Let that sink in.

Just start there. Start waking up little by little and making sense of what the hell you're putting into that precious magnificently designed body of yours. And later, you can choose the lifestyle that comes with being "vegan" - compassion for animals, but for now, you can't argue that the meat you're eating isn't injected with CHEMICALS (are you good with that?) Chemicals to keep it fresh. Chemicals that expose you to cancer. Plants don't do that. They don't have the fat cells to store the toxins like animals do.

I love you enough to let you make your own choice, but if I have anything to do with it, you will make an informed choice. You'll no longer eat dead animals without willingly accepting the chemicals they inject to keep it pink and pretty for your purchase.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Saying Grace Means Nothing!

I am always thankful, however, I no longer say grace before a meal. Can you believe before I transitioned to a whole-foods-plant-based diet, I would bow my head in prayer over a piece of fried chicken and say: "Lord I thank you for the food which I am about to receive for the nourishment of my body for Christ's sake. Amen."

Absolute Tom-Foolery!!!

Oh, I said it before I ate Hamburger Helper (ha!), shrimp, macaroni-n- cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, buttery corn, and three cheese pizza. . . before I ate my Big Mac, or my chili-cheese fries, or my meatball sub. . . oh yes, I said it. 

Now, don't get me wrong: I do believe there is a God. And I believe He loves me. However, I think He has to think it is slap-your-knee hilarious for us to ask Him to bless a Shipley's donut - or to even present to Him a corndog that I assumed was providing me nourishment.
(Shaking My D*MN HEAD!)

To say the absolute LEAST: I. Am. Embarrassed - I'm embarrassed that I was walking so deeply in darkness that I never questioned saying grace. Momma said to say it, so I said it. Bowing over a plate of pigs feet, and chitlings, BBQ ribs, sausages or bologna "sammiches". . . yep, I said it. 

But that's not why I'm writing this post. I'm writing it, because I suspect YOU'RE still saying grace over the foolishness you're calling nourishment - over the foolishness you're serving your family
[Aside: I don't use words to BLESS my body; I use action - heck, eating a bowl of raw greens with avocado dressing IS nourishment for my body - why pray for that? My lifestyle is my prayer. You better wake up!]

I'm gon' bet all I have that you said grace today over some processed food, didn't you? Over a dead animal didn't you? Thanking God for the slaughter - Yes!!! Let's all line up to do that. 

Please don't take this message the wrong way: I'm not judging you - I'm NUDGING you. Nudging you to THINK about what you're doing. You're actually praying over carcasses and things, yes, THINGS you bought in bags or boxes . . . What are you doing? Not thinking. That's what you're doing. Just doing what the elders taught you - not questioning "nothing." (Probably still drinking cow's milk too, but that's another post). 

Insulting YOUR God's intelligence - that's what you're really doing.
All I ask is you consider that my words could possibly be true. Just maybe. 

Love y'all,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

No, You Weren't Born This Way!

How about Obliterative subsumption? Defined: Meaningful learned material CANNOT be recalled in the PRECISE form in which it was originally learned due to the subsumption (absorption) of the new material under a newer broader context.

Case and point:

When you were a child, you loved animals. All of them. You did not think of them as food. You didn't. Trust me. Someone forced their view of "animals-as-food" upon you before you were old enough to decide for yourself. You were brainwashed to believe you were supposed to drink cow's milk. Today, when I suggest, perhaps, you should rethink drinking the milk from another beast's breast, you MOCK me and carry on about your business only to buy another gallon of milk for your family - probably 2% if I'm correct. Ignoring the blatantly obvious: Cow's milk? Let that sink in.
This "present-day" older you absolutely cannot recall ever loving ALL animals in that way. Yes, you may "own" a dog or a cat or a hamster or whatnot, that you love, but when you were TWO or THREE you loved ALL animals: cows, fish, rabbits, chickens. Your eyes would light with wonder with animals. They were even introduced to you as friends on the cartoons you watched or the alphabet books read to you. Go figure. Animals as friends? Ha! The notion!

Did you know you would TRAUMATIZE a toddler - and maybe even an elementary aged child - if you were to be an HONEST parent? It's funny: Some of you don't promote Santa because you refuse to participate in lying to your children, yet you aren't forthcoming with the truth about meat. Isn't this hypocrital? Why not tell your toddler the truth? Tell him/her that McDonald's chicken nuggets are actually made from slaughtered chickens. Ouch! Too violent, huh? Well, really? Then perchance, we finally agree upon something.

Here's what's funny, but not funny: You no longer think that eating chicken is violent, do you? And to think you once were that THREE year old.

What happened? Obliterative subsumption. That's what happened. Wake up. You weren't born this way!
‪#‎TheMoreYouKnow‬ ‪#‎GoVeganAlready‬ ‪#‎YouWereBornVegan‬

*photos taken from the internet*

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Run for it! Breaking the Power of Food Addictions

My heart goes out to all drug and alcohol addicts who have received harsh judgment from the people of America. Addiction. What a powerful beast. You just can't seem to relate to who a person can CRAVE a shot of meth or someone who shakes until they get their next shot of gin. Sounds repulsing to you. Or does it.
Let's take a closer look.
What if we define an addiction as: Any behavior that is associated with cravings, temporary relief, along with long term negative consequences. Could this describe your secret affair with processed foods? This definition sure steps on my toes regarding my chip addiction. Surely, I'm not the only addict among us. Or perhaps am I one of the few who is transparent enough to admit it?
Temporary relief, huh? Is that what you're feeling when you go back for seconds and thirds knowing full well you've had enough? Trying to stay numb? Is temporary relief the feeling you have when you drive up to that fast food restaurant and pull the food out of the bag to sink your bite into that greasy saltiness before you exit the parking lot? Or perhaps temporary relief is what you're feeling when you go to the pantry and grab the pack of Oreos and go back to the empty bed and just munch. Mindlessly. Cookie after mind-numbing cookie.
We all can agree that these habits have long term negative consequences, can't we? So why do we do it? Why do you roll up to Shipleys or Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts for breakfast when in your heart you know you want to be healthy? It's called denial. You've seen the show: "Intervention." How many drug addicts raise their hand to say I have a problem? How many alcoholics admit they have a problem. It may sound trite, but there really is power in taking the first step to admitting there is a problem. Currently, I'm fully raw - my chip addiction is the only challenge I have - cooked foods are not my temptation. It's chips. Every raw fast or juice fast or water fast I've ever endured has always always always been broken with chips. That's problematic. Why, do you ask, am I so open about it?
Well, because I know whoever reading this isn't perfect either. There is no shame in my game. Not one us is perfect. There is no one who is 100% anything. Oh, people may not be forthcoming about their shortcomings, but as long as they are wearing human skin, you can rest assured they are flawed. Maybe not with the same addictions you have, but we all have them.
I could go on talking about WHY we all have this insatiable craving that needs to be filled by "something", but that would make this a religious post. My point here is to encourage you to take the power out of strongholds by telling someone - maybe Facebook isn't your platform, you're much more "private" than that. So, don't. Text your best friend right now and confess: "Girl, I have a food addiction." She'll think you're crazy, but this is about you; this is about YOU taking the first step the break free from the powers that bind.
I'm a work in progress - or rather a mess in progress - lol - but I'm working on me. Isn't it time you commit to doing the work - as messy as it may be - and go get your body! Withdrawals and all. Trust me - no amount of celery in this house can replace the saltiness of chips - but I refuse to continue to repeat the cycle of self-abuse that has kept me bound to this fat body.
I'm sure the slaves used to say: "I want to be free. . . I'm running for it. I don't know what's out there, but I know it's hell where I am."
In that spirit, I'm running for it. Will you run with me?
Let's break the power of addiction this year!
Love y'all,

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Save the Elderly!

Quality of Life for the Aged Among us

What is the current health status of the elderly among you? Are they able to walk unassisted? Are they free of popping pills? Are they able to lift weights or run marathons? Enjoy an active sex life? Avoid the nursing home? Travel actively?
Do they have high cholesterol? Osteoporosis? Type 2 diabetes? High blood pressure? Arthritis? Dementia? Cataracts? IBS? Any recurring cancer battles?

Think: How is the quality of their life? Now ask yourself: How much do you love them? Do you think disease is a natural companion to aging? Is this your perception? Do you think a 70y.o. should be able to run? Do you think an 80y.o. should be able to climb stairs? Do you think a 90y.o. should still be sexually active? What do you actually believe about the quality of life of the aging?

Do you not believe the elderly should be able to live vibrant lives? Key word BELIEVE - because believe is an action word. If you have an elderly family member who is living a debilitated pill popping life, and you have not intervened to pass on the knowledge of nutrition I have diligently preached to you, then I hold you accountable for their painful, miserable existence.

 I remember telling a doctor once that as a vegan I intend to live well into my 100s. He quickly exclaimed: "I don't want to live that long." I know why he responded that way - do you? His perception of the aged among us is that of a frail, weak, sickly, bed-ridden, nursing home living, debilitated individual. Nutrition allows us to THRIVE as we age. We aren't supposed to be weak, out of breath, and feeble.

Y'all, listen: All major diseases are DIRECTLY - do you hear me - DIRECTLY connected to what we put in our mouths - to how we nourish our cells.

 Don't want cancer? Then stay away from creating and cultivating an acidic body. Eat more alkaline foods. Simple. You don't have to cross your fingers and pray that you don't get cancer. Just don't eat foods that cultivate an acidic body.

Don't want to drop dead of a heart attack or a suffer the damages or even death of a stroke? Then of course don't smoke - but more importantly, don't eat foods that introduce cholesterol into your body. You don't just wake up at 65 with heart disease - you ATE your way into heart disease - starting as a child when your parents shoved animal proteins down your throat. You just weren't informed. Now you are.

 If there is any one sickly among you, especially the elderly, do not let them die this young. 70s? YOUNG! 80s? YOUNG! 90s even? YOUNG! Let 2015 be the year you reclaim the HEALTH of the elderly among you. You are responsible for their health with this knowledge I have given to you. People perish for a lack of knowledge except you are no longer uninformed. If you are still reading this, you are informed. Don't let Mom die on your watch or continue to pop pills on your watch. Don't let Dad die on your watch. Don't let Grandmom die a sickly death on your watch. Begin to feed them foods that have no cholesterol. Feed them foods that offer plenty of fiber. Feed them foods that create an alkaline environment in their bodies.

I don't know ONE elderly person in my family who died of natural causes. My loved ones suffered from heart disease, pancreatic cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. It is in their honor, that I live a life to raise awareness so that you can SAVE your family members.

 This new year isn't just about you. Give Dad oatmeal for breakfast (without cow's milk or butter). Fix Mom greens without hammocks and pork.(Yes, Black folks, I'm talking to you). Prepare nice big salad and vegetable soups. Let your Aunts eat potatoes, rice, beans, and fruit. It's never too late to reclaim their health. (Refined/processed sugar is acidic; keep them away from it. Focus on whole foods).

Here's the good news: Most diseases are reversible by diet. In 30 days you will see a new Mom, a new Grandpop. If they won't go for a complete diet overhaul (I know how stubborn they can be), just encourage them to DECREASE consumption of all animal products. I know folks who brag that their kinfolk live long lives - well, duh, it ain't too hard to live long, the question is HOW ARE THEY LIVING? Are they running marathons or sitting on a couch? It's not difficult to age - the body wants to live. The trick is to eat so well that we THRIVE as we age and live vibrant, sexual, active lives.

And even if fate happens that we don't live beyond 100, let's live healthy lives until we  die as we can't control accidents that occur - but we can make sure we enjoy living in a healthy vibrant body while we're here. We can't stop car accidents, senseless murders, or plane crashes - but we can ensure that we were our healthiest self until the day of our demise - because we all know - none of us gets our of this soap opera alive anyway. The winners of this game are those who die without disease.

If you take nothing else from this post, take this: Aging and living sickly and debilitated do not go hand in hand. All the feeble elderly folks among you have mostly eaten their way to disease. Now, you must help them eat their way back to health so they can enjoy the fruits of decades of labor.  Enjoy all their progeny. Enjoy all the money they worked for all their lives. Enjoy the sights to see. Continue to spread their love, their witness, their recipes and hot dance moves to younger generations.

We are supposed to enjoy this ride, y'all until that final sleep overtakes us in peace.

SAVE The Elderly! Let them eat fruit too! :-)
Love y'all,