Saturday, June 18, 2016

NonVegans Take This Challenge!

If you're not vegan, take this challenge:
Go into your pantry, your refrigerator, and your freezer and read the labels. You are specifically looking for Cholesterol. If you see Cholesterol = 0, then the product has no animal products in it. None.
The purpose of this little experiment is for you to notice just how much cholesterol you are ingesting daily (keep in mind, this doesn't include the cholesterol your body makes when you consume animal products to protect your arteries). Overload, overload, overload.
And you wonder freaking why America's #1 killer is heart disease! Wow!
I love you too much to leave you in the dark. Start paying attention. You'll notice 98% of the products you give to your family have cholesterol - this doesn't include the outright meat, butter, and cheese you are using - I'm talking about dairy hidden in a can of roasted almonds or a box of pancake mix, or a can of soup. It's EVERYWHERE! People don't stand a chance to avoid being a victim of heart disease. Someone out there is counting on us all to remain in darkness.
Not on my watch.
Did you know, before I was vegan, I thought I was healthy by drinking 2% milk (insert boisterous laugh)? Yep, I thought I was doing something when I ditched whole milk. LOL! I'm cracking my own self up with this.
Y'all, whether it's 1%, 2%, skim, lactaid, or whatever - it has cholesterol. (shaking my d*mn head). Oh yes, and for all you health nuts, ha! - Check the labels on your "yogurt" and your cottage cheese. Psh! Healthy my vegan *&*!
Anyway - I just want you informed. Cholesterol does NOT do the heart good. If you eat for your heart, you'll dodge America's deadliest disease.
Keeping y'all informed,

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