1. Replace breakfast with a smoothie.
2. Walk 30 minutes each day.
3. Go to the gym each day (do something - no days off).
4. Eat raw until dinner.
5. Eat raw for 30 days.
6. Follow the Engine 2 Diet plan (Week 1 eliminate dairy; week 2 eliminate meat; week 3 eliminate processed oils; week 4 stay the course).
7. If you are not yet drinking a gallon, increase your goal to 1/2 gallon a day (You can do 96 oz as a goal in April and 1 gallon as a goal in May).
8. Start each day with warm lemon water.
10. Follow the nutritarian diet for a month.
11. Train for couch to 5k or 10k or 15k - wherever you are.
12. Incorporate a fitness challenge: planks, squats, pushups.
13. Try intermittent fasting.
14. Eat a BIG GREEN salad for dinner.
15. Eat plants only until dinner.
16. Eat 1lb of raw greens and 1lb of cooked greens (this is part of the nutritarian diet).
17. Read a wellness book that will strengthen your research base towards healthier living.
18. Lose 4lbs.
19. Eliminate refined sugar.
20.Cook at home - avoid fast food for the month.
21. Learn new recipes to incorporate whole plant foods.
22. Put your children on an all plants diet for the month.
23. If you're married, make sex a priority - get it in (pun intended). No less than four times a week this month. Go for it! (If you don't feel like it, it's only because you aren't eating enough plants - I promise).
Looking forward to hearing about your wellness goals and your success stories.
I am fully raw today because in the fall I SAID I was going to do it for 60 days. Now, I'm considering 6 months to a year. It's important to do what you say you're going to do. So, choose a goal and commit. Then tell someone so you can be held accountable. No lurking and hiding in the shadows. You've done that before - how's that worked for you? It hasn't.
Are you ready? Remember, choose a wellness goal. Commit. Tell someone. And make it happen.
Looking forward to your stories of success at the end of March.
I am fully raw today because in the fall I SAID I was going to do it for 60 days. Now, I'm considering 6 months to a year. It's important to do what you say you're going to do. So, choose a goal and commit. Then tell someone so you can be held accountable. No lurking and hiding in the shadows. You've done that before - how's that worked for you? It hasn't.
Are you ready? Remember, choose a wellness goal. Commit. Tell someone. And make it happen.
Looking forward to your stories of success at the end of March.
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