Sunday, February 22, 2015

Spring Clean with a Juice fast in April

Let's think about April: Spring cleaning.

Everyone should allow the digestive track a time to rest at least twice a year. Spring and fall are two good cleansing points. Until you can work up the mental acuity to cleanse at least once a month, begin the mental work now that you will cleanse once in the spring and once in the fall.
I would like you to consider a spring-cleaning juice fast in April. If you've never juiced before, consider a 3, 5, or 7 day fast.

1. Join a juice fasting support group now - don't wait until April.
2. Buy your juicer by the end of March.
3. Check your April calendar and choose the days that have the least distractions: no birthday parties, no girls night outs, no anniversaries to celebrate - be sure the days you choose are STRESS FREE!
My best suggestion is to begin with a 3-day fast in April. You see, I believe in the power of small steps. You don't have to conquer Rome in a day.

If 3 days works for you, in the fall, try a 5 day cleanse. If that works, spring 2016 try a 7 day cleanse. Often times, we force ourselves into these lofty goals, then nothing gets done because we quit - thinking we're a failure. Well, no you aren't a failure, you just dreamed too big. I know that's what all the propaganda tells us: DREAM BIG! Believe it or not, that usually doesn't work when you're transforming your health from poor to optimal. Gradual steps work best.

If you think you will try a three day juice fast in April, maybe use March to try a one day smoothie fast or a one day all raw foods fast.

Start the mental preparation. Take off the racing shoes. This isn't a race. The reward goes to those who make it across the finish line.
Don't be in a hurry. This is why I promote 1lb down a month. I'm not being facetious; I'm being real. I bet you didn't lose any weight last year, so don't scoff at 1lb down. It will take you farther than setting a goal to lose 8lbs a month then eventually binging and gaining it all back.
Stop trying to win the race by coming in swiftly. Make finishing your goal.

So, check out my March suggestions for wellness, if you haven't already. Commit to a wellness goal. Then start mentally preparing for a juice fast in April.

I'm successful now eating fully raw because I gave myself several months to process it. During the fall of last year, I was pretty serious that I wanted to start the new year off being fully raw. Lil' Roadie suggested I start before the new year. I tried. And failed. Most people started promptly at the new year; I wasn't quite ready yet. Finally, I jumped in on January 8th and haven't looked back.
Health is our greatest asset. And as long as I have any influence over your life, I will constantly remind you to take care of your Temple. That's my message. That's my mission.

I love you too much to let obesity and disease overtake you.
Cheers to our health - one small goal at a time.

Love y'all,

March Wellness Goals

It's so easy to use a new month as a time to reset. Hopefully, you accomplished your February wellness goals; now it's time to set new goals for March. Here are some suggestions:

1. Replace breakfast with a smoothie.
2. Walk 30 minutes each day.
3. Go to the gym each day (do something - no days off).
4. Eat raw until dinner.
5. Eat raw for 30 days.
6. Follow the Engine 2 Diet plan (Week 1 eliminate dairy; week 2 eliminate meat; week 3 eliminate processed oils; week 4 stay the course).
7. If you are not yet drinking a gallon, increase your goal to 1/2 gallon a day (You can do 96 oz as a goal in April and 1 gallon as a goal in May).
8. Start each day with warm lemon water.
10. Follow the nutritarian diet for a month.
11. Train for couch to 5k or 10k or 15k - wherever you are.
12. Incorporate a fitness challenge: planks, squats, pushups.
13. Try intermittent fasting.
14. Eat a BIG GREEN salad for dinner.
15. Eat plants only until dinner.
16. Eat 1lb of raw greens and 1lb of cooked greens (this is part of the nutritarian diet).
17. Read a wellness book that will strengthen your research base towards healthier living.
18. Lose 4lbs.
19. Eliminate refined sugar.
20.Cook at home - avoid fast food for the month.
21. Learn new recipes to incorporate whole plant foods.
22. Put your children on an all plants diet for the month.
23. If you're married, make sex a priority - get it in (pun intended). No less than four times a week this month. Go for it! (If you don't feel like it, it's only because you aren't eating enough plants - I promise). 

Looking forward to hearing about your wellness goals and your success stories.

I am fully raw today because in the fall I SAID I was going to do it for 60 days. Now, I'm considering 6 months to a year. It's important to do what you say you're going to do. So, choose a goal and commit. Then tell someone so you can be held accountable. No lurking and hiding in the shadows. You've done that before - how's that worked for you? It hasn't.

Are you ready? Remember, choose a wellness goal. Commit. Tell someone. And make it happen.

Looking forward to your stories of success at the end of March.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Stop! Don't Touch That Soup!

If you think a raw food fast is healing, you ain't seen nothing yet. Recommended reading for the month of February is Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Fasting and Eating for Health (pictured in comments below). So many truth nuggets are contained within the 226 pages.

I am a water faster; I believe in water fasting, and one day in the next few years, I plan to check-in to a water fasting retreat to take my healing to another level. Have you ever considered a water fast? Why not?

Did you know that when you are sick, you aren't supposed to eat? It's funny how the American culture does just the opposite. As soon as you sneeze, you're shoving animal noodle soup down your throat. Rethink this. (With knowledge, people thrive.)

How do animals respond in nature when they are wounded? They don't eat that's what. They drink water and find a place to rest; they DO NOT EAT!

We are the only animals on the planet to eat when our body is "unwell."
Listen, if your body is digesting food - whether that be raw food, cooked food, processed food, what have you, it isn't utilizing its maximum forces to heal you.

(To those who have ears to hear, let them hear.)

Only when your digestive system is AT REST can true healing begin. This is why diets that promote eating several small meals a day may contribute to "weight loss," but not contribute to "healing." Your healing will elude you if you eat several small meals a day or if you shove soup down your throat when you're sick. As long as the body is CONSTANTLY using energy to digest food, it CANNOT HEAL you.

Aren't you tired of being sick? Do you know anyone who is sick who isn't connected with me? Read and share Dr. Fuhrman's book this month. Knowledge is your power. Get knowledge and get understanding.

Have I tried it? Yes. The longest water fast I've endured was 7 days (while going to work). I'm considering implementing another water fast here soon to expedite my healing. Keep in mind though, water fasting is not for the faint at heart, and you definitely wouldn't want to try your 1st fast while working. Ease into it. Choose one day this month that you will give it a try. It should be a day of COMPLETE rest and relaxation - stress and drama free. Then in March, try a weekend fast.
Chew on this: Other than the few hours you sleep at night, when does your digestive system come to a complete halt from processing food? I always allow at least 12 hours between my last meal of the day and my next meal for healing purposes. Many of you will eat late at night, and then first thing in the morning. I see the pics, and I'm like OMG, they just ate a huge meal last night! Why the BIG breakfast? Noooo - you're killing yourself and your family (By the way, we eat too much anyway. Research shows that one trait of long livers is they don't eat a lot of food. Two meals a day won't kill you; it will actually extend your life - but that's another post). The few hours between your last meal and your 630a.m. breakfast is not a long time for the body to get a chance to work its healing magic.
If a whole day is too big a jump, start with intermittent fasting. If your last meal is at 7PM then break your fast at noon the next day (if you have a disease you are treating with medication, please water fast ONLY under supervision)

My mission is to raise awareness. That's it. Do with this information what you so please. Just know: We are a diseased and sickly nation because we don't know any better. The next time your child coughs and sneezes, don't give him soup; give him fresh pressed juice.
If you aren't feeling well and a cold is descending, partner with your body and STOP eating - drink instead (water or juice); juicing by the way is also a great way to allow your body to feast on nutrients while still allowing the digestive system to rest, especially if a pure water fast is too challenging for you. I never really understand why people juice to lose weight. You can enjoy raw foods and lose weight. I promote juicing for healing purposes only - never to lose weight. I'm currently enjoying the pleasure of eating while watching my waistline whittle - on a juice fast, I would be struggling a little more. To each his or her own - but for me, I'd only juice fast explicitly to expedite healing. But, I digress.

My advice: Plan to incorporate a water fast or a juice fast into your wellness journey this year. Begin with intermittent fasting. Then increase the difficulty to one day, then a weekend, then a 3 day fast or a 5-7 day fast (fasting is not recommended beyond 7 days unsupervised).

Join a support group and tell your family you won't be able to cook for them during those days.
Love yourself from the inside out. No more focusing on losing weight or building muscles. These goals are nice as I'm reaching for them as well, but you can be thin and sick; you can have big muscles and drop dead of a heart attack.

Buy the book. Google water fasting. Look at youtube videos. Do your own research. Then, if you decide it's right for you, go for it.

I want us WELL - from the cellular level; I want us HEALED.

And you know I love you - for real!