Saturday, July 12, 2014

Carbs Are Evil - Or Are They? Where Do You Get Your Fat?

Seriously, if you HAVE fat and you want to lose fat, but you can't seem to wonder why it isn't melting away, I suggest you ask yourself: Where am I getting my fat? If you have fat and you want to lose fat, why are you adding fat?

Aha! Therein lies the problem: You are OBLIVIOUS to your sources of fat, aren't you? So, you resort to silly a** diets to ditch the fat only to resume a high-fat diet again - never facing the problem head on!

Try this, ask Google today how much fat is in the foods you're eating. Type: How much fat is in . . . and see what comes up. I'll post examples below. This way you can be knowledgeable about what goes into your bodies.

Listen, there are THREE essential nutrients we consume: Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. I need to know: Why in the hell are you eliminating carbs and treating them as if they are fats?
O_O C'mon people.

Okay, so, if you eliminate carbs, what's left that you're consuming? Yep, Fats and proteins (and protein is in all whole foods anyway) - so when you hear someone claim they don't eat carbs, what they really are purporting is that they eat a diet high in FATS! Does this make sense to you? So, you have a FAT person trying to lose weight by eliminating CARBS and eating FAT. ???? This can't seem strange only to me. Ha!

I remember about 19 years ago, a colleague was excited about the Atkins Diet (high fat fad diet). At the time, I used to eat an apple for breakfast every morning, so I asked:

Me: Can I eat an apple on this diet?
Her: No, but you can eat eggs, bacon, butter, cheese, and pork rinds.

I was a young something then, but I had enough sense to know that a diet that tells me I can't eat an apple is not a plan for me. I applauded her for her weight loss results but decided to stick to my own way. Years later, I heard she regained all the weight and then some.

So sad. People perish for the lack of knowledge.

Okay, let's clarify this: How are Carbs fat? Those of you who SWEAR by a low-carb diet, please tell me how CARBS are fat? Please. Take a sweet potato for instance. If you're on a low-carb diet, you can't eat a sweet potato can you? But you can eat eggs? Let's see what Google says about the FAT in these items.

Google, "How much fat is in a sweet potato?" Google says in 1c of cubed sweet potatoes there is .1g of fat. (remember all whole foods we eat contains varying amounts of all three essential nutrients).
Google, "How much fat is in eggs?" Google says 1 hard boiled egg yields 5g of fat.

So, help me understand this: A person trying to lose weight can't eat an apple (Google, "How much fat is in an apple?" Google says .3g; Google "How much fat is in chicken breast?" Google says in 100 grams of chicken breast (who eats such a small piece? NO ONE) there are 9g of fat), but they can eat bacon, cheese (Google, "How much fat is in one slice of cheese?" Google says 9grams - wow same as the 100 grams of chicken), and other high fat products?

Google, "How much fat is in a potato?" Google says .2grams. POINT TWO GRAMS, y'all, but dieters avoid the potato like it's the devil.

Someone needs to make sense of this low-carb craze for me because the FACTS say something different.

If you HAVE fat and you want to LOSE fat, why in the hell are you EATING fat?

Oh, and for the hidden processed oils you add, I can't resist:

Google, "How much fat is in olive oil?" Google says 1TB of olive oil has 14, did you read that? 14 grams of fat - and Who do you know stops at 1 TB of olive oil? (Is oil bad for us? Not really - not if you don't have FAT you're trying to lose or reverse heart disease - it's best to get the fat from the whole olive rather than from pressed oil.)

If you HAVE fat, and you want to LOSE fat, why do you continue to ADD fat?

To those that have ears to hear, let them hear. Do not perish for the lack of knowledge; you have been informed.

Eat to live and thrive as we age.

Love y'all,


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