Today is the day you claim your victory.
Fitness is the answer.
I'm smart enough to know that many of you reading this WANT to
increase your health by eating well and working out, but you keep
sabotaging yourself. There's something IN you that's holding you back.
Something about success that scares the hell out of you. So, you keep
toying around with silly short cuts or futile diets - even considering
surgery - thinking you're too far gone. . . sadly, diets do more
harm than good.
Where has this gotten you? Still out of shape,
breathless, and NO libido! As Dr. Phil says: How's this working for you?
Seriously, how is it working for you? You keep starting then stopping.
Why? What is it about you that you just can't keep going? You keep
saying you will do it but you don't follow through? However, when you
make promises to others you keep them, yet you debase yourself by lying
to yourself constantly. What kind of self-love is this?
can we stop the self-abhorrence today? I do not care how small the steps
you must take, just hold my hand if you need to and let's start doing
something. And commit to doing something every day. No let up. No
quitting. No stopping. Even if you "slip" into a bag of cookies one day -
so what!!! Still do your workout - with that much more intensity. We've
got to be in this to win this. Your failure stops right here. Right
now. You will work out today. You will eat more veggies today than you
did yesterday. You will walk away from the CRAP you've been poisoning
your temple with today. You will. You don't have any other option.
I'm sorry you are surrounded by enablers - those who love you, but
don't really hold you accountable for who you've become or the foods you
eat. They are intimidated by your attempts to get healthy, so they
laugh and brush it off when you're all dining out together eating oily,
processed foods. They don't tell you that your neck shouldn't be so
gobbly. . . your thighs shouldn't be so wiggly - or your butt so jiggly.
. . they offer you the lie of "moderation" - oh a little won't hurt.
Please flee from these influences while you're trying to regain your
Today is your day. You can do it. I will hold you
accountable - and since I'm a fat-girl in transition, I have NO problem
calling out another fat person. None. If you are in denial, and you want
to know if you are FAT, please, by all means, don't get on the scale,
ask me. I will be honest. Fat is unhealthy, not to mention unattractive,
and it brings with it loads of toxins lingering in your body - it just
isn't what you want so WHY are you holding on to it? Spouses are so kind
by making you feel loved, as they should, but do they really deserve to
look at what you don't even like to look at? C'mon. Get real.
Make FAT your enemy. Target the fat in your diet. Target the fat in your
body. I mean go after FAT like it slapped your mama. Do not make
friends with fat - on any level. Get it out of your body and get it off
your plate! Take it out of your refrigerator - your love affair with fat
ends today. . . look at yourself in the mirror - you can't be FAT
unless you're EATING fat - c'mon, you've got to know this. All your
workout efforts are in vain if you are shoving fat back down your throat
after you work out - and guess what? This causes you to give up. . .
you wonder why you aren't losing weight. Duh!!!! You're still eating
fat. Find the sources of bad FAT in your diet and eliminate them. How
easy is that? There are good fats, but trust me, you have enough fat on
you right now that you can go without introducing ANY fat for several
months. Yes, we need good fats, but YOU don't (neither do I). Not right
now. Are you toned and ripped with a bmi of 18.5 or lower? I didn't
think so - so, we don't need to ADD any more fat to our bulging
waistlines. Just think about it. If you have FAT, you need to burn the
fat you already have - if you keep introducing FAT while you HAVE fat,
you won't lose it. This ain't rocket science folks. If you can pinch fat
from your waist, you are already on a high-fat diet - do not, I repeat,
do not ADD any more fat while you're trying to lose fat - it just makes
you run around in circles or consider stupid weight loss shortcuts. . .
these don't lead to health. . . oh yes, you can lose weight eating only
one Snickers a day - calories in over calories burned - but what will
the state of your health be? Feel me? Good.
Today is your day!
Work out like you mean it. Eat healthier. We should thrive as we age and
not accept pain and debilitating diseases. Disease is so prevalent,
we've been conditioned to think it's the norm. It isn't. We are supposed
to be healthy and energetic. We should be enjoying sex well into our
100s. Erectile dysfunction isn't normal - it means your arteries are
clogged and you're headed for a heart attack or stroke. Ladies, low
libido ain't cute - it means your sexual organs aren't receiving the
vibrant blood flow they are supposed to be receiving.
And don't
get me started on depression? You're missing some major essential
nutrients for sure. We can trace most of what ails you right back to
your high-fat high processed low to no plant diet (and the veggies you
do prep are what? smothered in fat - such a shame. Do you see what we do
to baked potatoes? cheese, bacon, sour cream - my goodness - and the
baked potato takes all the heat for "carbs" - Wow! If this isn't the
silliest logic ever!!! Do you cook rice without adding butter or oil?
I'm sure you don't. Do you make green beans without butter or oil? Do
you fix cabbage without bacon grease? Do you eat broccoli without the
fatty cheese topping? And I know corn doesn't stand a chance - yep,
butter it is. Sweet potatoes? ha! Butter! Vegetable stir fry? lol!
sauteed in oil (vegetable broth is a better option). Roasted potatoes?
Not before lathering them in olive oil - oops, I mean EXTRA virgin olive
oil, by all means. Salad? Don't get me started: cheese, fatty
dressings, oily vinaigrettes, fatty meat - all toppings you're proud of -
but they RUIN the health benefits of the salad.
I implore you
to be a thinker - not just a doer. Wake up. If you're fat, chances are
what you've been doing, ain't working, honey. That's just the truth.
It's time to take a healthier approach to meal prep - and your poor
family - sigh.
And those of you with babies and toddlers -
you're already on your way to making them unhealthy - all the chips and
cookies and candy - what are you thinking? That's just it - you AREN'T
thinking. Find a better way to show your children love - do not reward
them with CRAP. Those of you with babies, why aren't you making their
baby food fresh at home? Why are you buying baby food? Once you wean
them from the breast, imagine how much fun it is to blend bananas or
juice carrots or pineapples? How about mashing peas and sweet potatoes?
Yes, right in your own kitchen!!! Oh what joy!
No more
sabotaging. Do not sabotage yourself. Do not rob your lover of an active
sex life. Do not sabotage your children's health before they even have a
chance (trust me - I raised unhealthy children - and my adult girls are
now struggling to fight the FAT I gave them during their childhood). If
your children are FAT, you did that to them. Own it. Now help them get
fit. Do not send them into adulthood, as I have done, obese. Don't do
The road won't be easy, but you can do it!
We can do it. Together.