Friday, June 27, 2014

End the "Meat-Is-Protein" Argument Today!

It's funny, but it's not funny. 

This is what America's government thinks of us. Since we show them we aren't thinkers, they can get away with foolishness like this plate. Then, Innocents, such as yourself, trust and believe what the government tells you - especially since you learned it in school, right? Well, you now live and breathe their lies that protein is a damn food group...that dairy is required.

Excuse my language, but I get pissed when I see this - why? Because I used to believe it - but for the grace of God I found my way into the light of truth. The truth that the meat and dairy industry is funding the government so they can aggressively promote animal products to you, the unassuming - all trusting consumer.

Let me say this and I'm done (for now): Meat, dairy and eggs my friends, are actually your sources of FAT. Some of you struggle to lose weight while consuming "lean" meats - not realizing it offers more fat than protein. And why are you on this protein kick any damn way? Who is behind this marketing to you? You have NO clue, do you? - you're just on this silly ass bandwagon running around saying "I need my protein" - stop! It's unbecoming. Talking about protein is like talking about oxygen - hey, how you are going to get your oxygen today? Just breathe, damn it! Who runs around thinking about oxygen? Not many of us - we simply breathe and the requirement is met. Likewise, just eat plants and your requirement will be met. Don't ever let me be in the room when I hear you mention protein or else I will descend upon you. lol! Seriously, I will.

Even if you are a meat-eater, can you join me in the anti-protein movement? Call meat what it is - stop saying protein - someone is behind this movement - MONEY ($$$) is behind this movement and you're all being pimped.

Yes, I said it P-I-M-P-E-D like the unresearched robots you are (it's true). . . If you eat meat, then call it by name - not protein. I could likely say, I'm going to have a protein salad. The Brainswashed among us would think I'm referring to meat - when I would actually mean a spinach-avocado-strawberry salad. Dummies. (I'm sorry, but this upsets me to the nth degree)

So what sense does it make to call meat protein? It doesn't make any sense at all. What it DOES do, however, is desensitize the blood-thirsty masses from what they are actually eating: a chicken, a pig, a cow, salmon - living, sentient, beings. So, how about we just "gloss" over it and call it protein. Yeah - that'll keep the dummies numb while we pimp 'em out and build upon our billions.

I can't be the only one awake here. I would that you would become vegan, but even if you don't, join me in stopping the protein-is meat movement - and meat & dairy are required movement. You sound silly and unlearned when you speak on this. If you want to still eat it, eat it but just KNOW: I'm eating chicken this is my source of FAT for the day or I'm enjoying this cup of yogurt - this is my source of FAT for breakfast or OMG, these eggs are delicious - I couldn't find a better tasting FAT in my breakfast taco - and milk? cow's milk? "Yes, c'mon my sweet innocent progeny, drink your fat this morning" Ha! don't be deceived by the 2% lies! I'm telling you - this joke is on us, actually you (I've found the light) - someone "up" there in FDA/Bureaucracy land is laughing all the way to the bank. I can hear them now: "Can you believe these minions are buying into our marketing?" lol!

Like I said, funny, but not so funny after all. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

My Veganniversary June 2014

Although June 25th 2001 is the day my mother died, fast forward to 2013 - June 25th is also the last day I've ever eaten meat. :-)

No, I didn't plan it to unfold this way, but what an amazing way to celebrate my mother's memory by living a life avoiding the animal products that she, unknowingly, allowed to clog her arteries which led to her death.

So, it's a season to celebrate. Yes, June 26th - this Thursday - woot! woot! is my one year veganniversary! I'm stoked.

Can you believe it? A fried chicken lovin'-roast-beef and potatoes for Sunday dinner eatin'-salad and ranch dressing muchin'-fish and grits for breakfast enjoyin'-turkey sandwich chompin' girl like me walked away from ALL animal products and never looked back. Ever.

Listen: If I can do this, you can too. Research helps and a heart for other animals helps as well. I know it seems today as if this lifestyle came naturally to me - but I began transforming in February 2013 - and by May I still had no idea that I could ever leave meat alone - then it just happened. I had Golden Chick seasoned chicken nuggets on June 25th - and it just didn't feel right. I remember I couldn't finish them.

From that day to this one, I've never touched the flesh of any animal or their by-products. Of course, my research empowered me - especially Rip Esseltyn's book My Beef with Meat.

Vegan. One year. And many more to come.

Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live Saved My Life!

On your own? just confused about healthy eating? Don't know where to begin?

Start with Dr. Furhman's Eat to Live plan. . . I guess you could call me a high-raw nutritarian vegan. Nutritarians have a greens-based diet - about 1lb cooked greens and 1lb raw greens each day. Remember, all vegans aren't healthy. I am.

Of course, going vegan is always the best option for the animals, the planet, and ourselves; however, if you aren't there yet, nutritarian is the way to go. You will heal your diseases and shred your fat once and for all. 

Check out Vegan Radiance - she's a nutritarian vegan who lost a lot of weight and healed from many diseases. For those who aren't ready to jump into the vegan way all at once, please note, this program does strictly limit the consumption of animal products.

Following Eat to Live was my 1st step towards health last year - and I lost 30lbs in 40 days - never to see those pounds ever again.

It wasn't until I learned we could limit meat that I delved a little deeper into research to learn that we don't need meat at all. Were it not for Dr. Furhman and the nutritarian way, I don't think I would be the vegan health fanatic I am today.

Take some time to do a little research on your own -- because you're worth it.

Eat to Live Success Stories

Stop the Self-Sabotage Today! Lose Weight!

Today is the day you claim your victory.

Fitness is the answer.

I'm smart enough to know that many of you reading this WANT to increase your health by eating well and working out, but you keep sabotaging yourself. There's something IN you that's holding you back. Something about success that scares the hell out of you. So, you keep toying around with silly short cuts or futile diets - even considering surgery - thinking you're too far gone. . . sadly, diets do more harm than good.

Where has this gotten you? Still out of shape, breathless, and NO libido! As Dr. Phil says: How's this working for you? Seriously, how is it working for you? You keep starting then stopping. Why? What is it about you that you just can't keep going? You keep saying you will do it but you don't follow through? However, when you make promises to others you keep them, yet you debase yourself by lying to yourself constantly. What kind of self-love is this?

Listen: can we stop the self-abhorrence today? I do not care how small the steps you must take, just hold my hand if you need to and let's start doing something. And commit to doing something every day. No let up. No quitting. No stopping. Even if you "slip" into a bag of cookies one day - so what!!! Still do your workout - with that much more intensity. We've got to be in this to win this. Your failure stops right here. Right now. You will work out today. You will eat more veggies today than you did yesterday. You will walk away from the CRAP you've been poisoning your temple with today. You will. You don't have any other option.

I'm sorry you are surrounded by enablers - those who love you, but don't really hold you accountable for who you've become or the foods you eat. They are intimidated by your attempts to get healthy, so they laugh and brush it off when you're all dining out together eating oily, processed foods. They don't tell you that your neck shouldn't be so gobbly. . . your thighs shouldn't be so wiggly - or your butt so jiggly. . . they offer you the lie of "moderation" - oh a little won't hurt. Please flee from these influences while you're trying to regain your health.

Today is your day. You can do it. I will hold you accountable - and since I'm a fat-girl in transition, I have NO problem calling out another fat person. None. If you are in denial, and you want to know if you are FAT, please, by all means, don't get on the scale, ask me. I will be honest. Fat is unhealthy, not to mention unattractive, and it brings with it loads of toxins lingering in your body - it just isn't what you want so WHY are you holding on to it? Spouses are so kind by making you feel loved, as they should, but do they really deserve to look at what you don't even like to look at? C'mon. Get real.
Make FAT your enemy. Target the fat in your diet. Target the fat in your body. I mean go after FAT like it slapped your mama. Do not make friends with fat - on any level. Get it out of your body and get it off your plate! Take it out of your refrigerator - your love affair with fat ends today. . . look at yourself in the mirror - you can't be FAT unless you're EATING fat - c'mon, you've got to know this. All your workout efforts are in vain if you are shoving fat back down your throat after you work out - and guess what? This causes you to give up. . . you wonder why you aren't losing weight. Duh!!!! You're still eating fat. Find the sources of bad FAT in your diet and eliminate them. How easy is that? There are good fats, but trust me, you have enough fat on you right now that you can go without introducing ANY fat for several months. Yes, we need good fats, but YOU don't (neither do I). Not right now. Are you toned and ripped with a bmi of 18.5 or lower? I didn't think so - so, we don't need to ADD any more fat to our bulging waistlines. Just think about it. If you have FAT, you need to burn the fat you already have - if you keep introducing FAT while you HAVE fat, you won't lose it. This ain't rocket science folks. If you can pinch fat from your waist, you are already on a high-fat diet - do not, I repeat, do not ADD any more fat while you're trying to lose fat - it just makes you run around in circles or consider stupid weight loss shortcuts. . . these don't lead to health. . . oh yes, you can lose weight eating only one Snickers a day - calories in over calories burned - but what will the state of your health be? Feel me? Good.

Today is your day! Work out like you mean it. Eat healthier. We should thrive as we age and not accept pain and debilitating diseases. Disease is so prevalent, we've been conditioned to think it's the norm. It isn't. We are supposed to be healthy and energetic. We should be enjoying sex well into our 100s. Erectile dysfunction isn't normal - it means your arteries are clogged and you're headed for a heart attack or stroke. Ladies, low libido ain't cute - it means your sexual organs aren't receiving the vibrant blood flow they are supposed to be receiving.

And don't get me started on depression? You're missing some major essential nutrients for sure. We can trace most of what ails you right back to your high-fat high processed low to no plant diet (and the veggies you do prep are what? smothered in fat - such a shame. Do you see what we do to baked potatoes? cheese, bacon, sour cream - my goodness - and the baked potato takes all the heat for "carbs" - Wow! If this isn't the silliest logic ever!!! Do you cook rice without adding butter or oil? I'm sure you don't. Do you make green beans without butter or oil? Do you fix cabbage without bacon grease? Do you eat broccoli without the fatty cheese topping? And I know corn doesn't stand a chance - yep, butter it is. Sweet potatoes? ha! Butter! Vegetable stir fry? lol! sauteed in oil (vegetable broth is a better option). Roasted potatoes? Not before lathering them in olive oil - oops, I mean EXTRA virgin olive oil, by all means. Salad? Don't get me started: cheese, fatty dressings, oily vinaigrettes, fatty meat - all toppings you're proud of - but they RUIN the health benefits of the salad.
I implore you to be a thinker - not just a doer. Wake up. If you're fat, chances are what you've been doing, ain't working, honey. That's just the truth. It's time to take a healthier approach to meal prep - and your poor family - sigh.

And those of you with babies and toddlers - you're already on your way to making them unhealthy - all the chips and cookies and candy - what are you thinking? That's just it - you AREN'T thinking. Find a better way to show your children love - do not reward them with CRAP. Those of you with babies, why aren't you making their baby food fresh at home? Why are you buying baby food? Once you wean them from the breast, imagine how much fun it is to blend bananas or juice carrots or pineapples? How about mashing peas and sweet potatoes? Yes, right in your own kitchen!!! Oh what joy!

No more sabotaging. Do not sabotage yourself. Do not rob your lover of an active sex life. Do not sabotage your children's health before they even have a chance (trust me - I raised unhealthy children - and my adult girls are now struggling to fight the FAT I gave them during their childhood). If your children are FAT, you did that to them. Own it. Now help them get fit. Do not send them into adulthood, as I have done, obese. Don't do it.

The road won't be easy, but you can do it!

We can do it. Together.


Friday, June 20, 2014

The Ninja Ultima Blender: Green Smoothie Recipe

Green Revolution, Y'all!

All nutrition on this planet starts with greens.

Greens "is" life! March of 2013 I started to eat greens. Greens for breakfast. Greens for lunch. Greens for dinner - I mean BIG bowls - I would start eating breakfast at 6:30AM because it took an hour to sit and chomp on raw greens. But I did it. No dressings - nothing. To my surprise, my weight began to plummet. 238 became 235 then 233 and 228 and 220 and 215 - I couldn't believe it. To this day, none of THAT weight lost by greens has come back. Ever. As you know, I'm a high-raw vegan (recently finished a 16day fully raw stint - to resume again after my greens feast). However, my weight loss has never been as successful as it was while dining on greens. Not only that, but during my all-greens stage my anxiety disorder disappeared; my anemia faded; the quality of my sleep increased - I gained overall health while the greens were shredding my waistline.

I'm not sure where you are on your journey to wellness - and surely, there is no ONE road to health - many paths can take you there. However, if you've never tried a greens-based diet - and by "diet" I mean your lifestyle - not a temporary fix . . . I want to encourage you today to do so. Juice your greens, put greens in your smoothies, put a batch in the slow cooker, steam your greens, eat a BIG bowl of raw greens - free from hideous fats and processed oil products (if you must have a dressing - make it yourself or else you will negate the benefits greens bring by smothering them in FAT - to include cheese, mayo, ranch, eggs, processed oils - yuck!).

For the life of me I have not been able to break through my 70lbs down plateau. . . In the last 90 days I've done a 20 day juice fast, I've done 16days fully raw - and of course, my normal life is high-raw - and when I cook, I avoid cooking with oils or fats. . . yes, my guilty pleasure is chips - so I know that's a stumbling block, but geez, I'm stuck in a range that I'm ready to release.

The answer? Well, it's simple: I'm going to go back to the basics of what worked for me when I started this journey - increase my health and release this weight by feasting on greens. I'm so ready to finish shedding these final pounds, so GREENS it will be. As of yet, I'm not sure whether or not I will do fully raw as that's a lot of oxalates to process, but. . .  if I make mean-green smoothies, I probably will do fully raw. We'll see.

Fully raw or not, I know one thing for sure: it's time to return to the plan that has brought me astounding success.

Greens. More raw than cooked.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Try a Vegan Diet for 3 Weeks!

Want to lose weight? Want to gain health? Want to increase your libido and eliminate erectile dysfunction? Want to lower your blood pressure? Want to reverse type II diabetes? Arthritis paining you?
Try a low-fat vegan diet.
What I love about my life is I exercise to look good naked, yep! You see, the low-fat vegan lifestyle takes care of my weight loss without ANY exercise. There is no calorie-counting or calorie-restriction. I eat all I want whenever I want and I see magnificent results.
My heart goes out to all those who are KILLING themselves in thy gym then come home and eat a high-fat animal product based diet. Cheese? OMG, cheese is 70% FAT - saturated fats - no fiber. . . nothing. . . leave it alone. ALL, I repeat ALL animal products offer fat. What peeves me the most is "meat" is known for protein. If you don't hear anything else I EVER say to you, please hear this: Meat is more of a source of FAT than it is anything else. I know you eat it for your "protein" (don't get me started on that), but it's actually YOUR FAT SOURCE!!! If you eliminate ALL animal products (FAT) and processed oils from your diet for 3 weeks, your waistline will shrink and you'll begin to feel better.
There are many compassionate reasons to transition to veganism, however, I want to build a bridge to ask you to try a whole-foods plantbased vegan diet for health reasons during the month of July for THREE weeks and watch magic happen.
To build your plantbased stamina, this week have three vegan days (Mon., Tues., Wed.), 1 vegan til dinner day(Thurs.), followed by 2 vegans days (Fri. & Sat.) then another vegan until dinner (Sun.).
Do this the week of June 15th, June 22nd, and June 29th (week of 4th of July - I know you'll want one last hurrah with "meat" before taking the three week plunge).
Let your three week low-fat vegan/whole plantbased foods challenge begin the week of July 7th.
You are going to have the time of your life!
You can still eat out with family at your favorite restaurants and even some fast food establishments - Subway - all veggie sub toasted w/red wine vinegar added; Taco Bell, Chipotle, Freebirds, Olive Garden, So many amazing dishes: breads (bread is NOT the enemy - FAT is the enemy - and all meat, dairy and eggs are FAT sources), pastas, lentil loaf, potato salad, bean-burgers, sandwiches, soups, salads, rice, sweet potatoes, pancakes, waffles, casseroles, spaghetti, lasagna, chinese food, fruits, smoothies, juices, oatmeal, pizza, desserts (YUM!). . . .so many options. . . there's no end in sight to the good plantbased whole food meals that await you.
You'll feel better; you'll feel stronger - and your sex life will improve 10-fold (you'll have one happy lover).
Your life is about to improve greatly plus you'll be able to have an excuse to go shopping to buy new clothes a whole lot smaller.
So all these gymrats you see, don't be intimidated by them - many of them are spinning their wheels in the sand - if they are not eating a low-fat diet, most of their work is futile. Your permanent weightloss (no more yo-yo dieting and silly restrictive nonsensical programs) will happen with the foods you choose - the low-fat vegan foods you choose.
So the next 3 weeks - 5 vegan days and 2 vegan until dinner. (3-1-2-1).
Then the week of July 7th - go all in. You'll need to do some research though. Here are a few books you should read to appeal to your logic and not just your sex life and waistline:

My Beef with Meat; Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition; The Starch Solution; Eat to Live; Vegan Before 6; Engine 2 Diet; The China Study; 80 10 10 Diet; Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. 

Love y'all!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Give Your Future Self a Chance - Today!

Fully Raw Day 10/ Fitness Challenge Day 14
What I know to be true:
1. Fully raw is easier than I thought; therefore, there is no further need to count down my days as I will be fully raw for several months and keep you posted on the results.
2. I will do some form of exercise every day for the rest of my life - as long as health permits - so when I reach 21 days this Sunday, I will simply keep going. Every day. Take a break? for what? I may have lighter days than others, but I have committed to a life of fitness. Period.

These breakthroughs occur the further into a challenge we allow ourselves to go. Last year this time, I had no clue I would walk away from meat. I simply took one day at a time of living a nutritarian lifestyle. I continued my research, and June 25th 2013 was the last day I ate meat. And I never looked back - now the smell of meat is off-putting. . . who knew! This woman surely didn't.

I say this to encourage you where you are right now. Maybe you're considering vegan; maybe you're considering raw; maybe you're considering quitting smoking; maybe you want to save your liver and drink less alcohol; maybe you really do want to exercise. . . just maybe.

How does one evolve?

This is going to sound weird, but for me, I always speak of myself in "selves." I remember commenting March 2013: "I can't ever see myself walking away from meat, but I will not make that decision. If I keep going, and my future self decides she doesn't want to eat meat, I will respect that." Lo and behold a few months after that statement, I was vegan.

The Future Self.

As a high-raw vegan, I've been hooked on my one cooked plant-based evening meal. Going fully raw has been too overwhelming for me. Nevertheless, ten days ago, as scared as I was, I opened myself up to the possibility that my "future" self might decide to live fully raw. (the Me talking to you right now. . . you see, my June 1st Self had no clue that fully raw would be easy - she was scared of failure - because she's "failed" before)

Well, thankfully, my past Selves did not make the decisions for my future Self; therefore, a new me emerged. *Yay!*

What do I mean by this? Well, let's say Lisa of March 2013 would have said: "I ain't gon' EVER give up meat! No way!"

What if she said that? The Me who was then, weakened, unlearned, unresearched, walking in darkness - would have taken full control of my future by slamming the door on what could have been and the me who speaks with you today would have never been born. Ever. I would still be a meat-eater.

Let's say the Lisa of June 1st 2014 would have said: "I've failed before, I can't ever be fully raw. No way - it ain't gonna happen." What if she said that? Then the Lisa of this morning who speaks with certainty and clarity that she will live fully raw longer than the 30-60 days initially planned would not be here.

Give yourself - your *FUTURE* Self a chance. Never believe anything I say. . . if I've piqued your curiosity, try it for yourself - your Future Self.

So, when you start a challenge - any kind of self-enhancing challenge or attempt to replace a self-destructive habit like smoking, just give 100% of your effort today and wake up and repeat. Visualize success for what could be. Open your heart and your mind to the possibility that you don't have to accept poor health; you don't have to accept a fat body; you don't have to accept a low-libido; you don't have to accept shortness of breath. There is a You out there, cheering for you and praying to come to your rescue. However, if you make all the decisions - in this weakened Self - of what you "ain't" going to do, it's just not fair to the You who could become.

A woman told me a several years ago that she had been married for 30 years. Ha! In amazement, I asked: "How did you last 30 years?" Her reply: "I love him today." That was her answer to a happy, long-lasting marriage.

{aside: If you are struggling in your marriage, just let go of past hurts (all pain lives in the past anyway) and love your partner/spouse today. Nothing more - nothing less. Forgive and go over and beyond loving him/her in their love language today. Try that and see your relationship breathe again.}

The Power of Today.

If you want to be fully raw, eat raw. . . today - right now!
If you want to go on a juice fast, just juice . . . today - now.
If you want to be vegan, eat all plants. . . today - now.
If you want to quit smoking, no cigarettes. . . right now - replace with munching on celery (for example).
If you want to tone your body, work out . . . today.
If you want to go back to school, register. . . today.
If you are in school and you want to finish your degree, do your assignments. . . today.

Your future self will arrive - stronger than the you today - ONLY if you give her a chance to manifest. Do NOT make decisions for future yourself from a vantage point of fear. Open your heart. . . Today awaits you.

Love y'all. . . today.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sickness is Good Business, Y'all!

Follow the money trail. Think with me. What if everyone became healthy? What businesses would be affected? Sickness is good business people. Keeping the masses doped up on prescriptions is good business. If the body's fever is a weapon to fight intruders, why kill the fever and not the cause of the fever? If the body fights invaders, why the antibiotics? Why not target the cause of the infection? It's not good business to heal people. It isn't. Break an arm? We need doctors. I get that. Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Acid reflux? arthritis? migraines? high cholesterol? Going to the doctor? I don't get that.
What irritates me to my core is that YOU are INTELLIGENT, yet, you walk about in darkness as if you have no logic.
In December, I was going through a bad healing crisis - serious detox. . . coughing, mucus . . . just bad. Went to the doctor - first of all, he was old and fat. That raised my concerned. I expect a doctor of any age to be in shape. Do y'all know what he prescribed? MUCINEX!!!! He lost ALL credibility with me at that moment. Mucinex stops the flow of mucus. Well, to the unlearned, the unresearched, the blind - this seems normal. But, I was in the light at this time - thankfully. I had enough sense and had done enough research to know that whatever the hell was in my body needed to come out. I further knew that the body creates mucus to eliminate toxins - why in the hell would I want Mucinex to stop my mucus??? Are y'all listening to me? It's good business for the doctor because he never addressed WHY my mucus was overflowing - he just ignorantly focused on the symptoms.
I'm thinking, Dude, don't you understand how this works? Don't you understand that I want the mucus to flow to eliminate my toxins? If the mucus stops, the toxins remain in me. C'mon, people, wake up!
Taking Mucinex is like taking Immodium AD. Why in the hell would you take Immodium AD? To die? Don't you know your body is trying to eliminate toxins out of your ASS - literally, and in your stupidity, your ignorance, you stop it? You cut it off? If your body thinks elimination is serious and forceful enough to create diarrhea, why would you oppose this? There must be a serious offender in you like e coli that needs to get out and get out fast and you stop that process? Don't you know you can die? People, people. I'm peeved with you. I'm peeved that you aren't using common sense.
People harass vegans and say: If you're stuck on a deserted island with a chicken and you get hungry what would you eat? That's the easiest question ever, dumbasses . . . We'd find out what the hell the chicken is eating and eat that. Stop it! I'm digressing here, but my point is, you don't THINK!!!!!
I'm upset with you because you blindly eat with no thought. You're popping pills with no thought. You're accepting cancer like it is normal. What are you doing? Are you even awake here on this planet? You're feeding your babies animal by-products and making them sick - maybe not now but in the long run. Poor babies suffering from asthma and allergies and all they have is you to depend on. Instead of removing all dairy from their diet, you give them medicine. Poor babies. Lost.
You've also bought into the protein myth. Proteins are needed to usher in amino acids - Sweetheart, fruits serve you amino acids on a platter. VIP service. All those proteins you're eating? Ask your kidneys how they are doing? Have you done any research yourself? All you bacon lauders? You sound ignorant because you're praising something that harms your body. It isn't impressive - it just shows me you're unlearned and unresearched and it's annoying that you won't take heed to wisdom when it's presented to you.
I think of those of you who have parents in their 70s. . . Do you know if they are eating the standard American diet, their life expectancy is 76years? And if they live past that, is it in good health? Are you going to have parents in the nursing home? What quality of life is that? It's time for you to get your head out of the sand and begin to think about your life and theirs and apply common sense to your nutrition and health.
And while I'm ranting, stop drinking milk from a cow this moment. I mean it. This has nothing to do with vegan or non vegan - what sense does drinking milk from a cow make? It only makes sense to the unlearned and the unresearched - the ignorant among us. No adult animal on this planet drinks milk - except humans (dumbasses) and then we have the nerve to drink milk from another species - that's the dumbest - I mean DUMBEST thing ever! Why? for calcium? Do your research, ignorant one. I don't mean to be condescending, but your blindness offends me especially when light shines all around you.
Oh addicts, what is cheese? Do you even know? How is it made? Do you even know? What is sour cream? yogurt? eggs? It's time for you to act like the adult you are and take your health and nutrition into your own hands because someone is waiting in the corridors to make a profit from your stupidity.

Let's Talk Protein!

If you want to make the world a better place, start with you. Let's talk protein. To get right to the point, I would like for you to stop referring to protein as a food group. If you hear someone say I need my protein, I need you to jump in to make corrections. Let's do some reverse thinking here.
1. If we agree we need proteins, we accept these proteins must come from animals.
2. If we know proteins come from animals, we must agree to eat animals.
3. If we agree to eat animals, we must accept that they are slaughtered for us.
So, how do we cope and live with ourselves if we are a society based on animal slaughter? We have sense. We know ducks and cows and fish and chickens have the same feelings as horses and pigs and bears and cats and dogs and turtles. If we KNOW these are animals with families who want to be loved and give love just like the cat snuggled in your lap, what makes it easier for you to BBQ ribs or fry chicken or sear a nice piece of salmon??? Calling it protein. That's what makes it easier. Taking the "humanity", if you will, away from those animals and reducing them to a dietary requirement. So, you laugh and fellowship and eat animals with others like you all in the name of protein.

Protein!!!! The great big myth. You see, you don't know anyone who is protein deficient. You don't. Not if you're living in America, you don't. You can't name one person in your ancestry who's died of a protein deficiency.

This is willful ignorance. If you open your eyes to the truth, you have a choice to make: continue to participate in the slaughter of animals for absolutely NO logical reason (because we can thrive without eating them) or walk away from animal abuse forever. There is no middle line, people.

This is why you shun vegans - we make you THINK and that irritates the hell out of you - because you don't want to THINK, nor do you want to be labeled as a murderer. Get over it - that's what all vegans think about you. We may smile and nod and act politely, but when we see pictures of your meat and see you eating meat we ARE judging you for the murderer you are. Sounds harsh, but it's true.

You have to know meat doesn't just magically appear wrapped in cellophane in your grocery store - you KNOW murder took place. I say murder because those animals wanted to be loved just like you want to be loved and your children want to be loved and the animals in your home you've chosen to love. (Even the word meat is a cover up - its origin is mete - pronounced meh-teh - which was a reference to food in general)

Those animals wanted to be cuddled. Just like your dogs and your cats - but your WILLFUL ignorance, your BLIND EYE (just look away) - in the name of PROTEIN - causes you to turn your head to the violence and pretend these animals aren't "people" too just so you can have a good juicy steak or turkey sandwich. C'mon, people.

Protein is in fruit; protein is in veggies; protein is in grains. I'm delivering this truth in your lap. Oh and dairy? Calcium is in veggies - wake up. Sigh.

If you don't like the label vegan, don't use it. Whatever you decide, do it with pride - just don't hide behind "protein" - it's animal slaughter - that's what it is . . . - wow! Your government is purporting this myth - shoveling sh*t right on your plate - right in your face. Aren't you insulted? Your intelligence should be insulted looking at this dietary plate.

See it there: PROTEIN. Has its own category - ha! When each of the other three sections are all proteins as well. But no, they have to say "protein" because if they say ANIMALS. . . you might wake up. But "protein" keeps you numb. "Protein" keeps you walking in willful ignorance. "Protein" keeps you looking the other way.
If you eat animals, say that. Say, I'm going to eat eggs and toast. Don't say I need my protein for breakfast. If you're going to have baked chicken for dinner, say that. Don't say, I need my protein for dinner. I don't want to hear you say protein another day of your life. You know damn well protein is in everything. . . wake up. The light is calling you. You can't hide much longer.