I would not date the stereotypical black woman.
Research shows that most stereotypes are rooted in some truth. However, society rarely brings these negative traits about a culture to light for fear of backlash. It seems mean to say what everyone really knows is true.
Well, I'm real. Wide open (and sometimes fake). I'll be the voice.
This response does not speak of all Black women, but if the shoe fits, please do us all a favor, take it off, burn it, and dump the ashes.
You see, the STEREOTYPICAL Black woman is . . .
1. Too much - Black women are just too much to deal with. Always over the top. Nothing ever seems to be simple with them. They have to make a big deal out of everything. I know you're probably running your own household, but let this man lead. You don't always have to hold the reigns. It's okay to sit back and enjoy the ride.
2. Too aggressive - The world is not out to get you just because someone else did you wrong in your past. Chill out. Believe in love. Let this new guy have a chance; he did nothing to you. Quit being so mean.
3. Too loud - How can a man have a cozy romantic dinner in a well-to-do restaurant if you're speaking loudly enough for everyone around you to hear? So not attractive. Shhh!
4. Too superficial - Really? You can't get your hair wet? How vain is that? So, he can never plan fun dates for you two without considering your hair and nails? Do you see other women behaving this way? No, you don't. Take notes. Live a little.
5. Too pugnacious - At least women in other cultures are gossipy. But Black women? Oh, Black women want to fight. They aren't pleased with talking behind your back. A Black woman will confront you - even if if means belittling herself. She will get loud. She will attack you. She will punch you in the face, cuss, spit - whatever it takes to prove she's right. Who cares how unbecoming it looks to a man. "I'm right" seems to be the the only attitude that matters.
6. Too uncultured - No, plays and museums aren't boring. There are plenty of places to go on a date rather than booty shaking joints. Live a little. How about a game a tennis? Oh, yes, your hair. oops! What about a fun night of bowling? Oh . . .your overdone nails - sorry - not a good options. . . and those heels? can't take them off for a pair of bowling shoes! What was HE thinking?!!! Silly rabbit. At least give the unchartered places a try.
No wonder so many women of other cultures are running off with Black men. They know how to take care of them. And that, my friends, is an upcoming blog. Stay tuned.